My Splinterlands on Mobile Experience


I've been around the area since November last year and have enjoyed varying level of success in my endeavours. it has been fun playing the game that I mostly play on my laptop but sometimes that gets too tedious and I just rather enjoy the portable experience through my phone.

Splinterlands has been available on mobile for quite some time, but you generally don't find people using this interface because of the limitations. I've been using the mobile interface on for a while and I've been able to perform all or most of the important aspects of the game that I discussed below.

Landing page

Ranked Battles

What's Splinterlands without the ranked battles? It is what we spend all day doing after all. With the Mobile version, you can go into ranked battles in pretty much the same way you do while on PC.

Enemy Found

Select your team and select "Attack"

Click on Rumble and watch the show. Or just skip, if you don't want to watch the battle.

So yes, you can kick ass with the mobile version, so what else is there?

Buy Potions and Opening Packs

You can buy Alchemy, Legendary and other potions at the shop. Prices and everything else are the same with the PC version


While in the shop, you can malso access the Mana Well by tapping on the icon at the top right. This enables you to open Untamed packs and Orbs.


Check your Inventory

By tapping on "Cards" tab at the bottom of the screen, you can see the monsters you have available in your deck and perform


Through this page, you can view your cards and even combine/upgrade your cards

Join The Global Chat


Join Global Chat or Chat with Guild members

Claim rewards

You can do daily quests and claim your rewards through the mobile application. You can also claim your seasonal rewards.

Withdraw DEC


You can withdraw DEC from your wallet but can't deposit.

Things you can't do

  • Participate in events
  • Do whatever the hell they do in those cults Guilds


  • You can't access the card market, which basically means you can't buy or sell cards on the Splinterlands market.
  • You also don't get to enjoy the wholesome experience of playing splinterlands on a big screen where you can appreciate the awesomeness of the experience.


I actually prefer the mobile version of the game for battling and that's what I've been using for the past two months. My mobile browser is chrome and it gives me the extra comfort of not having to "login" to my account, but that comfort is directly proportional to security risk. That's an issue I don't have because to the people around, I'm just one creep that looks at flying shit in his browser.

I also like the convenience of being able to play the game on the go, rather than depend on my PC every time.

The mobile phone also gives a cost-effective feel of the game, in terms of data for people like me who have limited internet budget.

With all the positives from the mobile version considered, the PC version offers a better all-round experience of the game and is more immersive.


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