Brothers—Gameplay-Fiction-Pt 3 | End Of The Beginning

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is an adventure game with a unique style. When I played, it shared a feel-good emotion. The music and the scenarios are just great, they could easily create a special vibe for this magical world. It's a tale that happens in the world of fantasy, so there's a lot of mystical things which makes the experience more engaging.


Here I tried to make it a gameplay fiction based this game. The game uses some kind of a distinctive language, which's just made for the game. All the character's talks in that language. So here in this fiction, I tried to write the dialogues in English and made some little changes in the dialogues to for the depth of the story.

You can find the game at the Steam Store

Header Image is from here.
All other images are the screenshots I took from the game.

This's the Third Part of the fiction, you can find the first one here and the second one here

They both looked at the big gate with a sad face. They knew that no ones gonna come to help them to enter inside and pass the bridge to enter the other village.Even if they knew that fact, Naia knocked on the wooden gate and called for someone to come.


"Naia we could jump through the fence to get inside."

Little Naiee said that after looking at his right side. After looking at stones on the right side Naiee also felt that If they could go up, then they could easily find a way to enter into this property.

"I also think that, wait for a second. I will give it a try first."

Naia walked towards the stones on the right side and started climbing to the stones above. After a few jumping towards the top, he reached there. He gave a whistling sign to Naiee to come above, there was a slight fear about how Naiee's gonna handle it, but he believed in him. Naiee also like his brother, climbed through the stones and came up.

Naiee looked on the edge of the fence, there was a narrow path which could help them to cross the fence and walk above the arches. They knew that it could give them a safe passage. But to reach the edge of the fence, there was a need for a little big jump. Naia knew he could do that, when these thoughts flashed in his mind, Naiee tried it first. He just jumped like a flashing bird.

For a second Naia was also wondered by it, then Naia also jumped it and reached the edge. Then they saw the little place to hold while crossing the fence, it was a line of bricks. Here also Naiee ran towards it and got a hold of the fence and started moving towards the other side with balancing the hand.


Some birds were there, they started flying away when they saw Naiee coming. All these sunshine and little birds gave them an ambience of hope.

After reaching the other side Naiee slide over the shade and landed on the other side of the fence. Naia also followed the same path about reached the other side.

Now both of them are inside, they could see people around them. They both don't want to be in front of any of them. After searching for a way to move, they found out a way which helps them to walk over the arch and reach near the bridge. That path which was over the other houses seemed a little bit strange, but they moved and landed on the roof. Then they slid over the roof to the floor.


The next moment they reached the floor, they could hear some footsteps reaching towards them. It was him, the bully. It was a trap, the place was locked on the one side. There he just closed the other side with a wooden gate and waited with a stick to beat anyone who comes to cross it. They are now trapped inside this little square space. That ugly guy started mocking and laughing at them.


Naia was a little bit distracted by it, as always Naiee was looking around and thinking about a way out. He saw the grill gate at the other side, the iron rods maintained a little bit distance at this side. Naiee knew that it's something he can easily pass through. Naiee slowly passed the little gate between those iron rods. He knew that Naia couldn't do that. He looked around.

Then he saw a liver which was connected to the dog's cage. Now he knew what to do, he started rotating the liver. Putting all his effort into it, the liver started rotating and the cage opened. The dog game out in front of the bully.


It was barking and growling at the bully. He started running towards the other side, the dog tried to keep up with him.

Naia looked stunned for a second, he knew that his brother will be always there for him. They knew that there isn't that much time to waste on thoughts like this. The bully could come anytime now. They also started running towards the bridge.


Now they could hear the sound of water beating at the stones, they are about to reach the bridge. The water reflected the sunlight and it spread an elated feeling. They reacher near the bridge, but it was closed. The bridge operator was sleeping in his wooden chair. He was a bulky man, he couldn't even fit in that chair.

Naia tried to wake him up, but his try couldn't wake the operator. Naiee found a bucket of water just under the chair he was sitting. Naiee took it and splashed the whole water to the man's face. That shocked him, he woke up.


He wanted to get angry, but what he saw when he opened his eyes was Naiee laughing. He couldn't be angry after looking at that innocent face. So he just tried to shake his body take the water out from it.

At this moment Naia came and showed him the map and talked about his need. Their story even made that stranger a little bit sad. He pulled the liver which was next to him, the bridge came down.

"I hope you will find it" That man passed a smile, it said goodbye.


Both Naiee and Naia smiled and crossed the bridge and walked towards this other side. They knew that they are getting closer and the adversities they have to face will increase. But without caring about it too much, they started running towards the open road which ends at all the mysteries of the world.

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