Some BS Ultimate Abilities in Valorant


Valorant is a Game that I absolutely love to play and one of the features that make it interesting to play is the Ultimate Abilities of different Agents in the Game. For example, we have Jett who is the most popular Duelist and in her Ultimate, she brings forth Wind Blades that one shot anybody if hit in Head, tell me that doesn't sound Cool. But as cool as it is there are some Agents in Valorant whose Ultimate Abilities are kind of BS and I am not even kidding.


Omen is my Main Agent that I always play but truth be told I am not that impressed with his Ultimate Ability as all it does is allow you to TP anywhere in the Map but it is only after your Ultimate is done you have to look out for Kills. Most of the players use OMEN Ultimate to just get Info from the Site but I like to flank people and rotate sites and that depends on a people-to-people basis but still, I feel like OMEN's Ultimate could be so much better.


Reyna's Ultimate buffs her by increasing her firing rate, reload speed, and the speed of switching between guns and abilities and all of this while having a Red FOV which highlights enemies. It's basically an ability to go PSYCHO MODE as she goes but the problem with this is that when you reach the higher levels in Ranked Mode Reyna Ultimate is not that good as enemies track her through her Dismiss and Kill her when she Arrives. So yeah not that good of an Ultimate in my Books.


Cypher's Ultimate the NEural Theft gives teammates the location of enemy teammates when you use it on an Enemy Dead Body. But the problem is that's all it does and nothing else. I would really like some buffs on Cypher as he is slowly getting Faded away with the new agents and I believe Cypher is a great Agent.


This might be a little controversial as Raze has a freaking Rocket Launcher as her Ultimate which could literally wipe out an entire team if she wants to but I have seen way too many Raze Ultimates miss their target so yeah I am not a fan of this Ultimate which misses way more than it hits. Riot should definitely fix this as it's a freaking Ultimate Ability so it should be properly justified and shouldn't be easily dodgeable.

Now I was thinking about adding Phoenix Ultimate to this List but with the recent changes, Phoenix has become somewhat a good agent to pick so not going to add him to this list. Anyways are there any Agents that you feel should be added to the BS Ultimate List then please do comment in this post and let me know about it.


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