Children of Morta - Ignore your children and play some games

What I'll tell you at first is not about the game, but myself. I've been focusing a ton of things, including photography but as it has been mostly portrait photography, I won't post any photos. And that sucks a big time, as I really want to stay anonymous and keep people I photograph hell away from here, but can't help it. I've made my decision and will post birds, scenery and other photos but no people. At least unless they're Hive users, but that's a completely different thing.

So I've been playing games. Including "Children of Morta" which I got cheap. The game promised that it's kind of a mix between... some games I like, but I don't remember which ones. It's basically a "roguelite", if you die, you'll have to start the randomly generated dungeon from the start but you've collected gold & levels which remain and help to improve your total game.


The start setting is pretty simple. First everything seems nice, then BOOM, corruption starts (again?) and ruins everything which is good. The Bergson family is a family of guardians meant to stop the corruption, so they'll have to find their way to the mountain of Morta.



The family consists of multiple heroes who can be used in the game. The game starts with one character, the father, and other characters are unlocked on the way when you've progressed enough in the game.


The combat is quite straightforward, the hero has primary attack and two skills to be used. Later in the game different additional skills, like rage skills, can be unlocked, and different items can be found from the dungeons. The items can have various effects from granting an additional shield to a fire breath, but items will be lost when the dungeon is completed or the hero dies.

The hero can also dodge attacks, giving the ability to quickly move away from the attacks/enemies. The skill is often needed, as the combat can't be won only by clicking the mouse. Especially I can't win them when playing on "hard".


There is some real variation in the enemies, from different melee attackers to ranged enemies. Even the melee enemies require different strategies, as their attack patterns are very different.


After finishing the "tutorial", the hidden underground crystal is revealed. It'll bring players back to life after death, meaning that dying in the dungeons will bring you back home, just as mentioned earlier.


At this point, two heroes are unlocked because you can co-op with your friend! Two players can play together and try to win the dungeon. If you're playing alone, the second character will not actually follow you, but can appear on various cutscenes in the dungeon.

The characters will level up separately, but will benefit from the upgrades purchased by gold.


Especially when playing on hard, the game is not easy. It might seem easy at first, but healing potions are rare and the enemies can be difficult especially if you haven't learned their attack patterns yet. Clicking on attack will not make you win, so you'll have to actually plan your battles.


As you're playing alone, between deaths/dungeons you can switch the heroes. The dungeons remain very much the same, but the strategies change.

So far the characters (I've got 3 unlocked) feel very different and as the standard starting chatacter didn't feel fun enough to play, the bow-wielding daughter is far more fun and is currently my favorite character even though she's very weak compared to her father.


The dungeons end in a boss fight, which don't feel too easy at all. It feels that some bosses are designed to be easier for specific characters, but on the other hand, the heroes are so different that it would be impossible to make sure every boss is just as "easy" with every hero.

The biggest downside is that the game can feel a bit repetitive. Having to grind in the same dungeon to finally get through it is not extremely rewarding, but for those who want less grinding and challenge, you can probably play on normal difficulty. Probably I should play on normal too, but I'm too stubborn to change.

The game is fun and I'm sure I'll spend a lot on hours with this. Every opportunity to avoid responsibilities must be used.

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