WoW Chapter 5 Accessing the “legendary” weapon

Hello community! This time I bring you the continuation of my adventures through the curiae with my Paladin Zenovia


Arriving in Oribos, I reported on the betrayal of the Necrolords of Maldraxus, and how they invaded Bastion in order to take control of it and break down the only line of defense we had, apparently they were in league with the jailer


"The Necrolords are master warriors, yes, but they have always used their power to defend the Shadowlands, not attack them."


“Mortal, you must find out his motives for attacking the Kyrians…”

Open the portal to Maldraxus, having the task of finding out the reasons the Necrolords would have to attack Bastion.


And so I was able to complete the first chain of chapters on Bastion 😊


Although the bastion seemed ruled by angels, with a relative peace and harmony where just walking and looking up you could see a clear sky. Maldraxus would be the opposite, the shadowlands can be very different from each other.


I arrived at a place known as "The Theater of Pain" there I met The Great Master Vole.


I got dungeon 😂

Some kind of…tournament? Still, he was there to find out what was going on and why they attacked Bastion.

They made me fight with a lot of enemies which had different abilities and each of them left a power when they died which I could use later, making my way through them to reach the final boss.


Upon defeating them the public erupted in joy and it was not until later that I realized... there were two large presences around me arguing.



“We have a mortal among us… isn't he the one who thwarted our attack?
"This mortal witnessed your betrayal
At this point the threats began, opposing houses were torn between honor and duty.


The Margravine Sindane did not yield and a battle between houses began where I was in the middle.



In the middle of the fight an orca, Draka took me out of the way and we started to fly, the "house of the chosen ones was with me"
After leaving abruptly (since we were shot down) we landed outside the theater of pain coliseum and after some missions where I had to arm some soldiers and defeat some kind of voidwalkers, he took me to Krexus apparently the leader of his house.



“Look mortal, that is the necropolis of Margrave Krexus, the head of the house of the Chosen. It is an honor to serve as your baroness. Let's head there and prepare for the battle ahead"

As I understood, Maldraxus is divided between several houses, two of them betrayed their ideals and decided to attack the bastion (I suppose the jailer has something to do with it 😂) it was an internal conflict and we were on the losing side even so we had to stop this, if we didn't want to watch all the shadowlands attack each other.


After speaking with several Soldiers and generals giving battle orders and detecting infiltrators from the other houses. I was tasked with going with the Baroness to further aid the cause of the locals.


“New orders in progress”

In this part I had to be part of a ritual. A kind of test that only "the most recognized soldiers" tried.

After jumping, going through a large pool of boiling lava, and throwing myself immune so as not to die in the lava, I was finally able to touch the stone, but something that I did not expect happened.


Voice of the Prelate: Darkness invades the realms of the dead, betrayal creates chaos, and broken bonds must be mended."
"The key will honor the worthy"

So let's recap, I came to Maldraxus to find out the reasons for the incursion by the houses of Maldraxus towards Bastion, they put me to fight with many people inside a coliseum only to find out that two of apparently three houses, which I know so far. They betrayed their ideals (for glory supposedly) and now that I am more or less accepted among the resistance, I break a stone commemorating them… and a blade (sword) comes out which is not even fully made.



"Of all the souls that came to the stone, only you have discovered its true purpose."
which i broke 😂

After this they sent me to a blacksmith to see if she knew more about the sword, could identify it and be able to continue with the story of course xD.
After arriving with the blacksmith, he sent me for several components to repair it and see what exactly it was capable of. The missions, although simple, began to be tedious, although seeing the reward I assumed it would be worth it (power of curia) although a sword or weapon was waiting for me ☹


Achievement: Fair Reward

When I was repairing the sword I saw how the souls were trying to get to it, I protected the blacksmith as best I could (I thought I was going to die because of my low item level, but it was easy)


"The final guardian of the enchantment, defeat it and claim your runeblade"

Right at this point I said to myself... I'm sure they'll give me the sword and I'll have a better weapon... poor fool 🙄


Well, today's chapter ends here, I really liked the shadowlands and their diversity, I hope to continue surprising me without getting bored of the game yet, thanks for reading and until the next chapter.

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