SOULS Mobile: The plain of beginning.

Hello everyone

I hope you all are doing fine. If any of you knows me they definitely will be knowing that i am obsessed with mobile gaming and tbh i know the most games on mobile phone. Have completed many of them and hunting for new ones. Free fire is one of my permanent games but i also do check other games and if i like playing them, then i do complete their story.

This time i have selected the SOULS mobile version which is quite famous and i got many ads of this game on whichever YouTube video i play. Lol. So it is about a lady accessing a portal to release 7 heroes who were captured by some dark demons. The lady was their last hope so she sets of on a journey to save them. But the difficulty she was facing while reaching the destination were some creatures blocking her way.

The game is a card play with some puzzle moves or you can say it has some chess moves. Haha. Like you place your card heroes to fight with the creatures blocking your way. After that they fight in turns. The first fight was a bit easy for me as i was having some strong cards and also the opponents were weak (might be because they were the starter pack. Lol)

Well, the first fight i lost was i think on the 3 or 4 stage because my heroes weren't upgraded and the dark demons were getting tough. So i got to the card section to have some try for a new and strong character.

I got a rare card, woohoo. If anyone of you isn't familiar with the legendary card, it is actually a card which can help you summon a strong and unique character. The legendary one is the top one and after that rare comes. I was happy as it was gonna help me for the rest of first chapter. The card really summoned a great warrior (Azure knight). First i thought he was the one of seven heroes but he wasn't, he was just a strong card character.

The enemy also continued to increase their strength and power. As you can notice they also added one witch in the squad. Let's see what she can do and also what our azure knight got for us.

O my 😱, this knight was something else. He was having the ability to hit three targets at a time. Also he got a blow spear named skill which had an ability to stun the opponent (means that opponent character will miss their turn). Also he can freeze the enemy while attacking (so that he can't get any injury in return).

The final battle approached and one of the dark demon themselves lead their army. I at first thought that this battle i am going to loose but my knight took care of everything. He was their when all of his other card teammates were down but he alone used the blow spear and stunned the enemy which eliminated two of them and stunned the dark demon as a result of which he missed the turn and knight got him in the second consecutive attempt.

Conclusion and overview

The game is good (not so unique as i have played many such games). But the story line is interesting and i might dig it a bit more to know what will happen next. But if they will take in the unusual difficulty and i felt like there is something forcing me to pay them money then i will quit it. I don't mind doing a bit in game shopping but i totally avoid unnecessary and unusual paying in the games. But let's see what happens next and you have to stay tunes... This was the end of first chapter The plain beginning

Well, that's all from my side.


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