Hello everyone

I hope you all are doing fine. I recently finished playing assassin creed 2 and I really liked the story line of that game. That is why i decided to continue with the sequel ASSASIN CREED BROTHERHOOD where the same character ezio lead the story of his fight against templers and attempts to retrieve the apple of eden. The game has some cool graphics and also has a smooth play on my low end pc that's why i continued playing it.

Ezio was ready for the new quest. Just to make you clear i have completed 23% synchronisation in the game which means i have completed 23% quests of the game. As the ezio went out of the hideout Claudia was there standing for him.

She wished him a good luck as she was going back to her castle for resurrection of her castle and army as well. And ezio moved on towards the new quest.

It was a long way that's why i decided to use a tunnel which was like a fast travel. The tunnel really helped in shortening the distance but still it was away so i grabbed a horse.

The good thing about the game is that they allow us to ride horse inside the city otherwise assassin creed 2 wasn't having this option and we could only ride horses in the jungle or mountains. But sometimes riding horse inside the city also becomes a headache as there are some narrow streets.

In that case i prefer to climb buildings when the distance is like 80-90 feet.

Ah, it was really a long travel but finally i arrived at the ezio's sister place. She is actually working as a prostitute apparently but she is working as a spy for ezio with the help of other prostitutes. She is really helpful whenever ezio need some kind of information about someone.

This time she told about a senator who was going to be tortured by a corrupt banker's men which was ezio's target too. That's why she asked ezio to help that senator and get the location of that corrupt banker from him.

This time it was not much far and that's why i reached there by climbing buildings. One thing which is a trouble for me when climbing buildings are the archers who start throwing arrows straight away and cause a lot of distraction. That's why climbing buildings isn't also a piece of cake in this game.

Finally i reached the location but the difficult thing was that ezio had to locate the senator before doing any further action. That's why i climbed the top building and turned on the eagle vision. Eagle vision helps to detect the enemy or ally characters and also some kind of hidden elements.

The eagle vision worked and the senator was located surrounded by the men of that corrupt banker. They were beating him for some money which senator owed to the banker. It was time to save him.

I called the supporter assasins and killed those guys in no time.

The senator was really thankful for the support and asked to escort him somewhere safe only then he will reveal the information of banker's secret place.

Well, that's all from my side.


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