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Last Epoch - Mage reroll

I decided to reroll classes since I died on the Sentinel on that one boss with the gryphon mount. Kinda wanted to give hardcore another proper try even though I could continue playing the Sentinel as non-hardcore now which is a nice feature in Last Epoch.

So in this video we'll be skipping the cutscenes and lore pretty much to get ahead to where we died on the Sentinel asap but this time on a mage.

It seems if you're unlucky not to get a legendary item early on it means you're going to have to progress at a regular pace. As we saw with the 1hander I got on my sentinel I could just faceroll through enemies and they'd all get the burn debuff from it that did more damage than most of my abilities, too bad I died on him cause I reckon that weapon could've lasted quite a while.

Either way, here we're now playing mage and seeing how far we can get with it compared.

Servers still seem a bit weird, the other day it said South East server was 36ms, now it suddenly said 140 ms, maybe just temporary, haven't figured out a way to view ping inside the game, hopefully that won't lead to our death cause I'll surely blame it on that if so. :P