DKP token?

There's a lot of ruckus on the nerdy side of the internet these days with Wrath of the Lich King classic nearing launch. Many who think it was one of the best expansions before World of Warcraft started deteriorating in quality and the MMORPG genre in general started slowly but surely fading away into the abyss. My thoughts have been for a long time that the only way a MMORPG would get the attention it once had in its prime would be through blockchain technology and tokenization of everything to give players and guilds most of the power and decision making through Governance tokens, etc. It being an MMORPG though it's not something easily said and done as these usually take years if not decades to be created, but I do believe it is a good fit and have been keeping an eye out for something that utilizes the P2E model well there and who knows, maybe @splinterlands might tackle that in the future after recently announcing another game to their ecosystem through Tower Defense.


Me after queing for 3h T_T

Without getting too much into that discussion, I've been wondering if I should take a small break from my daily full-time Hive things and chill out and relieve the memories of the expansion I was active in the most back in the day. This would however require me to get fast because I'd have to level a character up quick as the launch is some time in the end of this month.

I'm also curious in knowing if there's any interest out there to see me attempt to level a character up as fast as possible and record the gameplay of my routes and playstyle, possibly speeding it up at times, etc. Let me know in the comments.

Before I even consider it, my interest peaked a bit as I found out they've released a couple new servers before WOTLK is to be launched. This is something that most people getting back into the game head towards because 1. It does not allow you to "boost" a character to level 70 before the expansion. 2. Fresh economy, people won't have the chance to gather materials and stuff for a long time to dump on users who want to level up their professions for the expansion which in turn makes them a lot more expensive. 3. New chances for everyone to make an impact by joining guilds or pvp groups that may end up doing well. On the old servers you have your guilds who already have dedicated members with all their roles filled and may not be looking for many new users if at all, but on a new server you can prove your dedication to raiding by leveling up quick during the launch and join some of the best players in dungeons and heroic farming to quickly start clearing raids before everyone else for loot and for "world firsts".

I read on Reddit that one of the new servers is suffering from insane queues where players are waiting 8-16hours to get in as it is a PVP server. The server is called Thekal. This is surely something that will be fixed in one way or another or the enthusiasm and interest of players will vanish a bit over time (and maybe many will give up leveling if they don't make it to 70 in time for the expansion release).

So another thought I had which reflects back on the title of the post. What if we were to create a Hive guild, make it a requirement that members have a hive account which we could offer them for free. Then when we're raiding and those active and doing well, would earn DKP's in the form of an actual token on rather than just central points in a database. This would allow the very active players who get lucky to get their gear early to be able to trade their earned DKP's towards other guild members (later maybe even gear selling towards outsiders joining our raids). As far as I know this shouldn't break any WoW/Blizzard guidelines as long as we don't pair DKP with gold, they're very strict about not letting people sell certain services for gold or be able to buy gold with real life money, or in this example, crypto.

Also how would we handle MINUS DKPS? :D

Either way, having a group of Hivers active and raiding and inviting more people to join the raids while showing them the world they're missing out on that we got here on Hive could be a cool way to onboard more active users and content creators for WoW.

It's just a quick thought, I'd be interested to hear more discussions about this from others in the community. Other than that I may start posting some content of me trying to quickly level up with the memories of quests and zones I may still have from way back when WOTLK was live.

Also what class should I go for? Back in the day I used to play Warrior, Druid, Shaman and Rogue so I'm thinking I may try one of the other classes this time around. Maybe Palading or Warlock seem cool, hopefully this wasn't the expansion that nerfed the Warlock so hard it made Vitalik Buterin quit and look to create Ethereum. :P

Are you going to be playing WOTLK Classic?

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