[Acid Plays] Shadowlands - Thorgast lower and upper spire layer 8

In the beginning of the week after the weekly reset (wednesdays), I was getting super rekt trying to do my thorgast runs for the soul ash to craft legendary gear. Like, literally rekt, first floor I kept dying to non-elite mobs even, didn't get a good anima power at the entrance and could barely get to the next ones alive. I figured I'd wait it out a bit, try get some better gear by doing mythic dungeon runs and maybe a raid or two and return before the reset comes again.

I arrive back at Thorgast and stop to think if maybe I should look at some guides to make my life easier there so I go to youtube and most keep talking about Arms Warriors instead of Fury. Didn't really talk much about which anima powers to avoid and which to take or specific guides or tips & tricks so I figured hey maybe it's really different as Arms since the Anima powers are different there too. There's less selfhealing as Arms so maybe they buff you up real nice to be able to surive; so I go as Arms specilatization.

To my surprise, blizzard had nerfed Thorgast a few days before (which I found out after doing these runs), I thought maybe Arms really was that much easier while doing them only after to find out that they had just made them so much easier it is barely fun anymore. :(

Next week I assume the last layer will open up so maybe that will be worth checking out again, else I'm probably just gonna stop recording these cause like usual blizz makes everything foolproof...

Layer 8 lower spire:

Layer 8 upper spire:

I've been thinking if I should do these weekly on my Shaman as well for the legendary items but then again I think that would be investing way too much time into something that will become obsolete once next patch hits.

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