[Acid Plays] Battlefield 5 - Multiplayer

I decided to take a break from the single player campaigns to try my hand at multiplayer. Coming in I was ready to get rekt and owned or whatever it is kids call it these days and for most of the time I was not wrong. Others have surely had a lot more time to get used to the game, the maps and everything involved to be really good players. In many matches there were several players with 5-10x kill/death ratio and some even managing to pull off 0 deaths throughout the whole match which for FPS games is insane.

Not being new to FPS games though I think I did okay in most of them. I believe my K/D stats are at a solid 1 (haven't checked since some of the first matches) and I think they're improving over time. It's all also kind of random and not always just depending on your own skill in these games as teamwork is important especially with medics around and tanks and vehicles that are commonplace for battlefield in most multiplayer scenarios they allow you to play. So far my favorites have been teamdeathmatch and outpost, not a big fan of the tanks and airplanes just yet and haven't even attempted to try driving/flying one but maybe I'll have the courage to do so in the next videos.

The videos here are from the first multiplayer game I played ranging between a few days as I haven't had too much time to play lately cause Hive is keeping me real busy. Hope you enjoy the gameplay and the 1440p recorded quality, trust me it made my GPU run really hot which was not welcomed considering there's no AC here and summer. :P

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