🎵Vibes WEEK II - VALI - original song by @shemZee


Dear friends.
For week 2 of the contest I recorded a song of mine called VALI / Its raining. I used a poem written by NS /a great poet as youll see/
The poem "It's Raining" by NS explores themes of longing, perfection, and pain through vivid imagery and emotional depth. Through the metaphor of rain, the poet captures the captivating and promising nature of existence.

Para la segunda semana del concurso, grabé una canción mía llamada VALI / Está lloviendo.
Utilicé un poema escrito por NS /un gran poeta como verán/.
El poema "Está lloviendo" de NS explora temas de anhelo, perfección y dolor a través de imágenes vívidas y profundidad emocional. A través de la metáfora de la lluvia, el poeta captura la naturaleza cautivadora y prometedora de la existencia.

English translation:

It's raining... so captivating, so promising,
If my soul were music,
It would be
From Madzhini's violin.
If it were
a word,
It would be 'wild.'
If it were a poet, it would be
Just like you.

And you are simply perfect,
You have only one flaw,
And you are simply perfect,
You have only one pain,

It's raining... on the frets
Carrying within them
Do you know where
The place of the sun is?

It's raining...
So captivating, so promising,
If my soul were music,
It would be
From Madzhini's violin.
If it were
a word,
It would be 'wild.'
If it were a poet, it would be
Just like you.

And you are simply perfect,
You have only one flaw,

And you are simply perfect,
You have only one pain,
Está lloviendo... tan cautivador, tan prometedor,
Si mi alma fuera música,
Del violín de Madzhini.
Si fuera
una palabra,
Sería 'salvaje.'
Si fuera un poeta, sería
Exactamente como tú.

Y tú simplemente eres perfecta,
Solo tienes una falla,
Y tú simplemente eres perfecta,
Solo tienes un dolor,

Está lloviendo... en los trastes
Llevando en su interior
¿Sabes dónde
Está el lugar del sol?

Está lloviendo...
Tan cautivador, tan prometedor,
Si mi alma fuera música,
Del violín de Madzhini.
Si fuera
una palabra,
Sería 'salvaje.'
Si fuera un poeta, sería
Exactamente como tú.

Y tú simplemente eres perfecta,
Solo tienes una falla,

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