Vibes Week 10 || Dizzy by Olly Alexander (song cover) || bobbydones x sekani

Hello friends, it’s Vibes Week 10, with a special theme: Eurovision. It’s been an enlightening week, learning about Eurovision for the first time and experiencing some great music from the competition. I might even have a favourite candidate in this edition of the competition; don’t ask who 😂.

Dizzy is emotional, upbeat music by Olly Alexander, the contestant representing the United Kingdom in the Eurovision Song Contest 2024, a very good first release for him. Despite struggles so far, with the week being a long one and, most importantly, amid very strong and beautiful artists, he will be in the finals. Best of luck to him. We have made a cover of the acoustic version of the song.

Myself and @bobbydones have always wanted to do a physical collaboration, but if you ask, he’ll say I forced him (lies, don’t listen hehe). Anyway, it’s the school break, and what perfect timing to get it done, so here we are. It was a fun experience—learning a new song, rehearsing, and shooting the video. We hope you enjoy this music.

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