Hi everyone, it's week 11 of the vibes web3 music competition, and i feel thrilled and elated based on the fact that this is my first entry for the competition since it start about two months ago…

Honestly, i won't deny the fact that i really enjoyed myself while making my entry for this week, apart from the 30-40 trials i did for the last 4 hours, i must say it's nice doing something creative for a change, and all this won't possible without the motivation from my hive buddies and the beautiful performance i have been seeing so far, these awesome entries pushed me into joining the competition today and i am happy i made it big time...

I am sure the 41st trial which came out perfect will be worth watching, but then i must confess guys, it wasn't easy but it was fun and entertaining, i think i will do this more often lol...

The funniest truth about this whole presentation was that it was never planned, i just woke up this morning and decided to do something different, after all i have been blogging for 2 years, i guess it's high time i embraced the change, that was how this presentation came up…


Since this presentation was an impromptu one, i decided to present one of my favorite afrobeat song; RUSH. This song was sang by one of the youngest female afrobeat artist in my country, She goes by the stage name AYRA STAR. she is also my one of my favorite artist...

Rush was inspired by love for afrobeats, and also because it's my all time favorite...

This presentation is the result of my sweats and unending trial, and i am sure you all will enjoy it as you listen to it...

Here is little lyrics of the song;

Ta-ta-ri-pa, ta-ta-ri
Ta-ta-ri-pa, ta-ta-ri, pa

Sabi girl no dey too like talk
Animals dey in human form
Padi man, nobody like work
But you must hustle if you wan chop
E no finish, dem wan fight us
If them dey run, dem no fit catch up
I no dey form say I too righteous
No come dey form say you too like us

You can find the whole lyrics here

I hope you all enjoy the song as you listen to it, and mind you this is my first entry and i guarantee you it wont be the last...

This is a link to my entry on X

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