All Of Me – Vibes Week 4. Cover

It's Vibes Web 3 music competition and week 4 already by @lordbutterfly

The good thing about music is how much one goes into learning new songs, rehearsing, and then practising them just like the way it is sung. I decided to do the cover of "All of Me" by John Legend after it was suggested to me by a friend, @hopestylist and I thought to try it out. Although this is not a new song that I'm just hearing for the first time, but taking my time to decode the lyrics and their meaning makes it more fun to me.


Just like this song, it is one of the most beautiful love songs I have ever heard of as there is truth in everything there. Love in those days is not how it used to be now as the world is filled with lies and pretence and this doesn't keep a relationship moving because there are cracks in the wall of love for some people, any further crack could break the wall down.

The song admits that there is no perfect relationship anywhere as there would be issues, but one can overcome them as long as both partners accept each other and give it their all. Love isn't just a feeling; it is a sacrifice and the willingness to be committed and dedicated to your partner. Loving your partner means making them your priority, seeing that they are happy all the time and you will discover the joy in your heart.

As long as two lovers give themselves to each other, nothing will ever come between them. This also means taking away all egos and setting aside each other for perfection. Love means sticking to each other no matter how bad they feel, no matter what they are going through, and being there for each other knowing that they are unstoppable.

Lastly, when it comes to love, it takes giving it all in exchange for deep love and eternal happiness with each other that matters.

You can check out the lyrics of the song here

This is my link to my tweet of the song on X

Cover image created on Bing AI

Thanks for your time reading. Looking forward to your interaction.


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