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Love // Vibes Web3 week 4

Hey everyone! so this is my original song and is called Love. Its based on a poem a friend of mine, artiefish wrote 30 years ago. I just sat on it one night, a melody came to me, some words in my language and poof! Magic happened. He wrote roughly, 30% of the lyrics and i modified and added the rest in resonance with those lines. The hindi portion of the song is completely my own and is not a translation of the english lines.

The song is about the magic of life. How i always strive to be as involved with life, in love with life as possible. Also, i strive to become love, and hence the lyrics

"love puts the music in laughter
The beauty in a song
The warmth in a shoulder

Puts the Magic in a memory
The sunshine in the skies
keep your heart full of joy & laughter
a beating heart is a letter to god "a vibrant heart is the quickest way to reach enlightenment right?"

Puts the fun in together
The sad in apart
The hope in tomorrow
The joy in my heart
leap in my faith
a steady heart
feel like a 1000 mustangs running the sun down -> (The word "mustangs" was added by my friend onchainstreamer.eth )

im in love with life"

The next lines that i composed, speaks of how deeply i fell in love with the moon. And the moon was so moved by my love for her, that she asked me, "how did u fall for me so much?
that i forgot, u are on the land and i in the sky
and a moment between us
is eternity"

The love i had for her made her forget time, for a brief moment.

Thank you