I LIFT MY VOICE (Cover) by @fab-tay - VIBES馃幍/WEB 3 Music Competition WEEK 7 (ENG-ESP)

Hello beautiful people @Vibes community, how has been the week. This is @fab-tay and I'm so excited for this VIBES馃幍/WEB 3 Music Competition Week 7 and i really want to appreciate @lordbutterfly and the @vibes/web3 team for this great initiative and for this awesome platform for musicians. This week, i will be doing the cover of the song "I LIFT MY VOICE" by FRANK EDWARD which is a song of expression of gratitude and appreciation to God. This song reveals the awesomeness, greatness, faithfulness, mightiness of God.

Hola gente linda comunidad @Vibes, que tal la semana. Soy @fab-tay y estoy muy emocionado por esta Semana 7 del Concurso de M煤sica VIBES馃幍/WEB 3 y realmente quiero agradecer a @lordbutterfly y al equipo de @vibes/web3 por esta gran iniciativa y por esta incre铆ble plataforma para m煤sicos. Esta semana har茅 el cover de la canci贸n "I LIFT MY VOICE" de FRANK EDWARD que es una canci贸n de expresi贸n de gratitud y aprecio a Dios. Esta canci贸n revela la maravilla, la grandeza, la fidelidad y el poder de Dios.

All these characters of God are visible and evident which we can't deny and all we need to do is to accept their realities and give God thanks which by doing so we see more of them in our lives.
My motivation about this song is the great lyrical contents, strong vocal dexterity both from the lead singer and the back-ups and the instrumentation aswell. This cover involved both the vocal part and the piano 馃幑 accompanied with it. The loop was gotten using Moises app. Join me as we enjoy this cover and express our praise to God. Thank you everyone and i wish us a great weekend ahead.

Todos estos personajes de Dios son visibles y evidentes, lo cual no podemos negar y todo lo que debemos hacer es aceptar sus realidades y darle gracias a Dios porque al hacerlo veremos m谩s de ellos en nuestras vidas. Mi motivaci贸n sobre esta canci贸n es el gran contenido l铆rico, la fuerte destreza vocal tanto del cantante principal como de los coros y tambi茅n de la instrumentaci贸n. Este cover involucr贸 tanto la parte vocal como el piano 馃幑 acompa帽ado con 茅l. El bucle se obtuvo usando la aplicaci贸n Moises. 脷nase a m铆 mientras disfrutamos de esta portada y expresamos nuestra alabanza a Dios. Gracias a todos y nos deseo un gran fin de semana por delante.

Lyrics can be found here

The X (Twitter) video upload:

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