*My Holy King* Is My Entry For Vibe Web3 Music Competition Week 12

Blessed Week To Us All ..Hope Our Week Is Going Well So Far ..Knowingfully well how great and awesome our Vibe Community is growing all thanks to GOD and thanks to @lordbutterfly for this week theme PAIN
This week im doing a song written by me title MY HOLY KING
After a long suffering of chronic Glaucoma from my Teenage years to Young Adult ,,depleting me from so many music opportunities and general life opportunity,,with the help of an emergency Surgery to revive both EYE ..i had no choice than to put all these and some other life happens into a song
This song speaks the Diverse way life put me through ,Speaks Salvation Redeemption Praises Adoration And Thanksgiving Of God goodness.. Growing up with great talent and trying as hard to show the world the talent God gave me was not so smooth,,several rejection,,several dejection ,.wearied heart and sorrow was my friend ,,life was so tough that sucidal thoughts start setting in ..whats the point of doing music outside God will and absolutely nothing tangible comes out of it
Yes the awards were there (both local and interstate ) but it was a rough life,,putting all effort down the lane to the point where i was asked to renown my faith .BUT God stood by me, he never leave me , gave me the strength to overcome and get through the PAIN ..God put an end to the Shame and makd me while whole Again..thsta why i wrote this song to embrace a new life with our Lord Jesus Christ and to also let the whole world not only accept him but have a deep understanding of how Great Our Lord is...
Jesus Is Our Holy And Only King
Please do relax listen enjoy this song and be blessed ..God bless you all

     ****FULL LYRICS****
       VERSE 1 

If I ever got one dream is to love you
If I ever got one wish is to serve you
If I ever got qualified to be worthy
If I ever got Sanctify to God be the Glory
Far away my sins now I'm moving back to you
In your only name I'll preach the gospel on how you rule
If I ever go qualify to get invaded
I'll tell the world how your power is the greatest
I was on the wrong side but you show me the way
More less like a slave now I'm dinning with the king
I was been purify by your blood on the cross and in my hands is the Bible which you said is your sword
So Lord please help me father please help me
Great Is thy faithfulness everybody tell me
I'm on the road to redeem souls in the wilderness and to unite all people in the name of your holiness

Your Are The King
You Are the Light .
Shinning Brighter Day And The Night
You Are My Saviour
Your Are God You Are my Lord
You Gave Me Peace You Gave Me Hope
My Life Is Bless You Reign In My Soul
You Are My Saviour You are my God
You Are My Lord


Sometimes you get disturb in mind cuz your ways are crooked
Sometimes you get the wrong advice not to make some good steps
You put yourself in worry lines seeking for 10 solution
Forget the ways of God is pure different from men on mission
Sometimes you thought is over you think your life is over
Seeking for men in Black wayward to Lord Jehovah
Trials will come after you giving you old age proverb
You ain't better than those who lost their life back then in soca
Day by day be strong brethren bring your family friends into the light That shine brighter than your 5 million gen
Restore your ways and get bigger body spirit and soul
Embrace the lord and free yourself for his so real to behold is so real to behold
So Lord please help me father please help me Great Is thy faithfulness everybody tells me
I'm on the road to redeem souls in the wilderness and to unite all people in the name of your holiness.

  **Shout-out to @VerbalD including the great Rappers on VIBE and HIVE 
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