Vibes Web3 Music Competition WEEK 7 : - How it Ends

Firstly, I’d like to relate to the artists who may be reading this post and who have taken their valuable time to watch this video. I’m truly grateful to you.

I think as a fellow artist you’ll understand when I say that each time a piece of music is created, it’s an extremely cathartic feeling and experience to make it but also a really vulnerable one to release it into a world filled with opinions and misunderstandings. We so desperately want others to understand what we felt and so we do our best to express it in the best way we know how whilst creating the song. We feel like we need to explain ourselves to listeners when actually, the real beauty is allowing them to feel what it is they need to, with what it is that we’ve had the privilege to design. Sometimes, the listeners interpretation of lyrics or music is completely contrary to the true meaning of the song. Other times, they just get it so deeply that we feel as artists that we have been heard. But I’ve come to realise that both experiences are just as beautiful and healing. And in that, it gives us the fuel and fire to continue to burn with creative desire.

From my personal perspective this song speaks about perspective, quite literally. It’s about making a decision and a choice to visualise the outcome you want, or even if the outcome wasn’t exactly what you wanted, to still remain positive about what you learnt from it, and it being up to you how it ends. And no matter what, always giving your all and not holding back just because you’re afraid the ending may not be what you hoped or expected. So - whoever is reading this, if you’ve been looking for a sign to take that leap of faith, this is it! I believe in you. You’ve got this and it’s up to you how it ends ;)

Thank you to each and every listener who consistently takes the time to listen and support my music. And once again a huge thanks to @lordbutterfly and @marica and the Vibes Web 3 team for creating this space for us to express our music.

A big thank you to Tony Brown who filmed this video for me and for the great drone shots.

This song of mine was released on Spotify this morning on my EGGSTA account.

My submission for Week 7 of Vibes music competition is my latest original release on Spotify with Mhammed El Alami called "How It Ends".

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