Vibeweb3 music completion week6: Good at goodbyes(Sam Smith)@dwayne16

This week in the Vibe Web3 music competition, I wanted to switch things up and showcase my singing voice instead of relying on instrumentals like I have in the past. Recording the video was an emotional experience for me because it reminded me of someone special. It was an amazing feeling to sing and record the video, and it's moments like these that make me love artists like Sam Smith whose songs always touch the soul.

This popular song depicts the inner conflict of loving someone deeply while also feeling the need to let them go. It was inspired by a personal experience from a few years ago. In the video, I experimented with my voice and tried out new things, so please excuse any imperfections. Despite this, I gave it my all and the end result was amazing. I'm confident that if you watch the video, you'll be able to sing along with me and understand the emotions behind the lyrics.

Remember to leave a comment on this video as it helps me stay motivated and create more content in the future. Thank you for your continuous support and for watching my videos. I look forward to seeing you in the next one of this exciting series.

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