Major highlights of my week!

Someone once mentioned to me that I should always think about the highlights of my day, and that something big doesn't have to happen to make it significant it's the little things that even make our day significant.

My weeks started amazingly when I got the biggest news ever, so I had this distant relative who had been married for more than ten years without a child, a few days back my big sister called me on the phone that my aunty had conceived a baby boy, that moment I screamed like never before, I didn't care if I was in a public transit vehicle.

After a few minutes of screaming then, tears started rolling down my eyes, the thoughts of what she had gone through during these periods of trying to conceive, and the different hospitals she was referred to by different people. Immediately the memory of an encounter she had with someone flashed through my head, the person made a statement that made me reply "You aren't God" The abusive words people used at her cause she hadn't given birth.

At some point, she started stocking her house with baby items like clothes, baby shoes, and baby drawer, and when she is getting these items she doesn't go for the cheap, she always goes for the most expensive ones, when I see these clothes I would be like "wow aunty you have eyes for good things" then she would reply "the way I would rock my child you people will open mouth" despite waiting for this long, she never lost hope, she always has this believe that someday she is gonna conceive and carry her child in her hands.

That day is finally here, and we are celebrating the birth of that long-awaited child, now I believe this particular phrase "delay isn't denial" even more, it can only be delayed but the truth is that it can't be denied, it always happens.

Another highlight of my week: I got to witness an engagement, I was at the office when my colleague said her friend wanted to propose to his girlfriend and that I should join her for the event. I couldn't say no cause I wanted to be among those who had witnessed a proposal before.

On getting to that day, we went to the venue where the whole "say yes" would be taking place, though there wasn't much decoration, and besides that doesn't matter, it's the person that matters, the bad news was that before my colleague and I would get to the venue the whole "say yes" has finished and it was time for the after-party, so the question did I feel bad? Well, I felt bad at first but then seeing these amazing young people trying to get their relationship to the next level is what melted that feeling in me.

I admire young people who look at themselves and say "Babe it is time for this" I'm ready to start the next phase of my life and you know what "I wanna start with you" This particular decision isn't an easy one to make but then this young man made it "applaud for him".
These are the two major highlights of my week.

This is my entry to day 19 of the #julyinleo prompt, you can also be a part of it by clicking on the link to get more information about the prompt.

image is mine.

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