A Splinterlands And Axie Infinity Comparisson


I recently went back to Axie Infinity and I have been playing it alongside Splinterlands for the last 4 days.

On Splinterlands I earnt 100.658 SPS in 4 days of play. This is playing in Modern Ranked and a range of Tournaments each day. This was starting in Bronze and Finishing in Silver 3.

This works out at around $0.67 of rewards at the time of writing this on Thursday morning.

In the same time alongside Splinterlands I played Axie Infinity. I tried to play them at the same time but Splinterlands took a lot more of my time than Axie did due to Tournaments. This makes the comparison even worse on the Splinterlands front sadly.

My combined rewards on Axie Infinity came to $1.59. This is spread across Ronin and AXS at the moment.
These earnings for a lot less work actually turned out at a 2.3x difference in earnings. For me this is a ridiculous amount of rewards considering I mostly used the free Axie's to get this far!

So my Splinterlands account has currently 26,823.258 Staked sps, part my own and the other part rented. This is a value of $178.00.
Then when we take into account the cards, my account is worth around $370.00 at the moment and dropping in value everyday this year.
So for these earnings I have a total account value of $540.00. I paid a hell of a lot more than that amount for this setup but that's the same for everyone currently.

My Axie assets come to around $20.00 at best and that is if the buyer is feeling generous. These were bought well over 4+ years ago and cost me $50.00 in Eth at the time.

On comparing just the cost differences this is a mental comparison and If I am honest a really big shame and shame to me. I have always felt that Axie was a huge investment but this just shows it's not what I thought.
Especially when you pay $10.00 just for the Splinterlands Spellbook and you can go elsewhere and not pay and make way more!
I am not saying it is easy and simple on Axie, It does require a bit of luck on matchmaking but jeez the difference is huge and really is showing games how it's done.

I have seen the calls for Splinterlands to join somewhere like Solana or Ronin, but with the costs involved I think it might struggle to compete with other games on those networks. I hope the team really consider the potential pitfalls of joining such chains.

Image from Axie Infinity

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