RE: Summer break for writing / 執筆夏休み

It's also good to take breaks from time to time. 🙂
Try to walk around and maybe on Wednesdays, you can post it in Wednesday Walk community.
Or maybe you can find a market in your place so you can post it in Market Friday (currently the admin seems to be MIA though).
Or maybe you can share coffee/tea topics in Cinnamon Cup Coffee.
Or share some Japanese phrases good to know in JP Study Hub (i'm running this community 😅 LOL promotion)

Or just enjoy your time with your daughter~

By the way, I noticed you posted this same content 3x. I think you can edit the other 2 to prevent the "hive police" to report you for spamming/reposting content.

3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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