Love yourself to the fullest, Embrace Self care

Hello Everyone, Namaste 🙏😊


How are you doing? We are looking up different ways and manners to make ourselves look good and nice in front of others. Whether it's our choices, habits or social perspective we always maintain an outward appearances. We are highly influenced and commended by others and their success. Little do we see the Ingredients that make up a person ordinary from great. It's all starts with giving a little love to yourself that is self care.

The race of life is unending, unpredictable and without any fixed rules. So just pushing yourself too much without any thoughts will be useless. Self Care done wonders in many ways. First of all we should accept our own self regardless of any virtue or vice. Once we start accepting who we really are then only we will see what's actual problem we are dealing with the life and how to overcome it. Give your the basic love and care. Take yourself on solo dates, solo travel and spend quality time alone with yourself. Being alone is always not a bad things. We need alone moments with self to figure out what is going on into our mind and body. Because in the company of others or while in a group it is a basic human tendency to show up the strong face and neglect small red flags our body and mind give to us. That's where self care and self love Works out the best.

The worst a person can do to himself and to his loved ones is neglecting self care. How do we suppose to take care of our loved ones if we don't take care of ourselves in the first place. That's where most of the people go wrong in their lives. I have known many people in my lives who worked hard day and night, earned money and fame but at the cost of their life. In the end it costs many years of life struggle with fatal diseases and they all regret not taking care of themselves earlier. Hard truth is we all realise this very late and we always take ourselves for granted.

We don't need to wait for right time, right moment, right opportunity etc any other excuses. Because there is never gonna be a right time in life, the right time is always now. It's always better to do than regret. Life will keep giving us rollercoaster rides and we keep pushing the right time away. Moreover there will be no time for self care of we think to wait for life to be perfect. That's never gonna happen. With self care we can make ourselves the priority, take charge and control of our lives and than there is whole world to conquer. But at first we should conquer ourselves.

Self care and self love should never be taken for granted. It should be the top most priority and the foremost duty towards oneself. Doing small things for oneself and treating oneself with importance is the least we can do to make us feel better and important. How could we expect from people to treat with respect, care and love if we don't give all that to ourselves in the first place. It's that simple. We don't have to make life too hard for ourselves, nothing is as important as our own self care.

This post is in response to today's Inleo writing prompt. If you are looking for topics to write on, do checkout the post for March month monthly prompt here: @leo.tasks/february-inleo-winners-march-monthly-prompt

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