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Don't be angry


Don't be angry, come back, there is still a matter left
The night of union with the melody of love is yet to come
My sweetheart! Open the knots of your fragrant hair with a smile
The drop of nectar will fall if you speak smilingly

Let your soft arm like the stem of a lotus become a garland
Let it create a world of kisses on your lips
Fickle moonbeams! Come, accept with all your heart
The gift of authority over the kingdom of heart is yet to come
The night of union with the melody of love is yet to come

Let the moonlight of autumn settle on your lips
Decorate your eyes with the beautiful dreams of the outspoken
Let who is overwhelmed by the deer's ecstasy, love you
Light the lamp of love, my love! Let him entice you
Bend down a little and look here, clouds are surrounding the moon

Oh! Dear! Welcome, the rain is yet to come. Don't be angry, come, the matter is still pending.
The night of union with the melody of love is yet to come.
Look at this fragrance rising from the lap of the grief
Look at the lovemaking bond sleeping on the chest of the rock
Let the eyes write the message of the saffron body

Give the laughing imagination a chance to play
See the worship of love is waiting
See this simplicity of the soft dimension with a new look
The borders of the overflowing beauty, they give a message
Seeing the fragrant new youth, they give orders
Dear, leave your shyness, remove the veil of shame

Look at the aura of eyes!
The budding of the heart is yet to come.
Don't be angry, come back, sweet things are yet to come.
The night of union with the melody of love is yet to come

Thank you so much for reading. Have a great day 😊🙏. @vikbuddy