Unplanned Birthday Dinner

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No plans

I didn't make any plans for my birthday, the only thing that was set in stone was that there HAD TO BE cake haha, my daughter insisted and so did my boyfriend. I already shared that part in another post but the day clearly lasted longer. My boyfriend took me out for lunch, the weather was absolutely stunning and it was a very relaxed day as he didn't have many clients calling so we could just have a good chat and not worry about rushing home.

The big question

As we're usually letting the birthday person pick dinner for that day, the big question was asked "what do you want to eat?". I had no clue, I didn't even think about it either because I even forgot it was going to be my birthday when I went to bed that evening. "What's your favourite food mom?", the little one asked. Good question, no idea what you could wake me up for. I like plenty of things but to say that I have something that I love so much that I'd pick that over anything? Not that I realized at least.

Let's pick a place to eat then!

Now I have to say that I was not up for a fancy place or anything. In fact, I didn't even bother to take out the hair straightener or make up as I would normally do when we go out for a special occasion. This had to do with the fact that I still felt a bit ill, although I didn't cough anymore and surely wasn't snotty all day, I still preferred wearing something slightly more comfortable and just go to a place not too far from home. We have such a place nearby and usually it's very quiet during weekdays.

Not on my birthday though!

When we came in (early for Spanish people lol) we were there with just 2 other tables taken but I noticed that most tables had a reservation note on it. It made me wonder why that was and then I realized there was a Spanish holiday the next day so people were all going to get drunk and get together that evening as they didn't have to work tomorrow. I was lucky we were able to reserve a table such last minute.

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No alcohol

I mentioned it before, I don't need alcohol and surely don't even want to think about it when I'm not 100% back to being healthy again. Just a big bottle of water it is, as per usual, lol. Also very convenient in case the throat decided to have a little itchy moment after all. Thankfully, none of that happened, I felt good, it was fun, we had good chats and within 30 minutes the place was packed. My boyfriend told me several times that they'd better use this moment and start singing happy birthday in Spanish so everyone would join but the expression on my face was clear enough: don't you dare!

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Time for some food!

I usually start with this spring roll which tastes like no other spring roll I ever had in all the countries I ate them. And trust me, I ate a lot of them since my childhood, I adored them, haha. This one is different but I love it. I don't fancy their salsa but it's perfectly fine without it.

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The tapa below is one we discovered a few visits ago, a potato (barely recognizable in this picture due to huge amount of sauce) with prawn on top. I mentioned that I started to appreciate prawns a lot, well, this is a great example. A simple bite, but also just 2 euros so it's fine. Sadly the huge amount of mayonnaise (a certain one, I don't know which one it is though) really messed up the whole tapa. I was not in the complaining mood so I just left it.

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The cod was the same, normally super nice to eat but this time also more sauce than fish which made it a bit disappointing for my boyfriend. But thankfully we had other tapas too and these were very good, just not on camera because we were too busy chatting.

Late night

We stayed a bit later than we usually do during weekdays but as the little one had no school, it was all good so we stayed until we noticed that every tapa was taking forever to arrive as the restaurant was packed. It has been a long time since I saw it this busy, probably during summer season even.

I had a good day, in the end all that matters is good company and some nice food helps a lot. No matter if it's homecooked or from a tapas bar.

Hopefully, next year, we can do something crazy during my birthday because the bull run is there and we made bank, one can dream right?

All pictures are mine...

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