Terracore, Best vs Worst - Contest No.2 | 70 Scraps in Prize Pool

Welcome back friends,
I am here with another contest for all of you. This time as well it is for everyone and there will be two contest in this single contest post.

People who are playing terracore can participate in both the parts of this contest and those who don't play the game can also participate in the contest but only in the second part of this contest as the first part is related to playing the game itself.

PART 1 - Use your attacks


In this part of the contest use eight attacks of yours in consecutive manner and then share the results in written form as well as a screenshot as a proof to your activity.

Now out of these eight attacks you will pick two attacks, one that is your best and one that is your worst and then find the average of them.

For example :

  • If your attacks roll as , 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80
  • You will pick 80 and 10 in this case and fing their average i.e 45
  • So the average is 45% for you.

PART 2 - Answer the question and win some scrap for yourself.


As everyone is not playing the game there will be people who will fail to participate in the first part so this contest is for those who don't play the game but people who participate in the first part can also participate in this as well.


What is the reward for refering a person to terracore game if the price of hive is $0.5 at the time of refering your friend ?

Do some research and you will be able to get the correct answer for the question asked.


  • Write a blog and share the link to your blog in this post.
  • Share screenshot of your battle log as a proof in your post.
  • You can make only one entry.
  • For the part 2 you simply have to answer the question asked in the comments below.

Rewards - 70 Scraps in Prize Pool.

  • The top 3 players with highest average roll wins 30, 20, and, 10 scraps.

  • If only one participant is there then he will win 60 scraps alone.

  • If two players then 40 to the first and 20 to the second.

  • One random person who answer correctly will win 10 scraps for himself.

Our reward pool is 17.5 times more compared to previous contest.

Go ahead and participate, the time is until this post reaches out it's payout.

Thank you and Happy trading everyone.

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