Exploding Head Syndrome

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I'm sure we've all had the experience when we finally lose it and you just want to explode. I've been there a few times. As a business owner I have had many, but one always sticks in my head. I had special ordered a device for a customer and had it overnighted to my location. I opened the box and inspected it and it was perfect. Two hours later they came in to pick it up and my front desk employee had somehow lost it. Nowhere to be found ever again (literally!) I ended up having to rush a new one overnight again, trading in some favors to do so. I ended up losing the customer after that event. That made my head want to explode! Needless to say that employee was demoted to back office away from customers and goods to be delivered.

But today I'm not talking about anger in the workplace or home. I'm talking about a real medical condition called Exploding Head Syndrome. My first time experiencing it was when I was waking from a nap and I heard a loud explosion instantly waking me up. It was a a little scary especially since I suffer from post-traumatic stress (PTSD) as well.

Exploding Head Syndrome is characterized by hearing a load noise while falling asleep or waking up. It may sound like it would be a painful experience but there typically is no pain associated with an episode. In reality it's a auditory hallucination created by the brain and can sometimes occur with a flash of light. It's not dangerous but it can be very unnerving when it happens. It occurs in up to ten percent of people and can happen once or be a recurring issue. I hope in my case it is a one and done!

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War veterans often experience nightmares of traumatic experiences, I know because I have those too. At first I thought it might be a PTSD incident because a few months back a home exploded not far from here and it woke me up. That did set off some nightmares for a few days. But this was something entirely different. From my research some people get it so often and are so disturbed they can be placed on an antidepressant to help prevent the condition. Exactly how effective it is I have no idea as I don't plan on taking them or having another episode. I'm a firm believer in the power of positive thinking, but it doesn't always work!

My real hope in writing this is to bring to your attention to this medical condition. I have had enough medical experience and training to self diagnose this, however if you are having a similar problem it's always wise to consult with your doctor. Auditory hallucinations can be caused by more serious problems such as neurological or psychiatric disease, or even a brain tumor. So it's always wise to be checked up by your doctor if you have some new or otherwise troubling symptoms. Never substitute material you read on the internet for a proper medical exam.

Our human bodies are far too mortal and prone to disease. After the age of forty I sure started to notice that! There are no health guarantees that come with being human so it's always wise to take care of your heath.

If you have any question or comments please feel free to leave them below. I hope you're having a happy hump day and that you learned at least something interesting from my post!

This is not medical advice, it's just an attempt to broaden your knowledge about human health in general. This in no way can replace a proper medical exam by a licensed medical professional.


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