California Gold Nuggets! / Re-blog lottery

Happy Saturday everyone! Since it's the weekend I'm going to be talking about prospecting for gold and share one the the nice little nuggets I have found over the years. What I love about prospecting for gold is that sometimes you get really lucky and walk away with a lot of gold. Then there are other days where you don't find much, but it's still great to get outdoors and enjoy the mountains or the deserts.

This nice little nugget I found while metal detecting the banks of a river in Ventura County, California. It was a really slow day at first mainly finding lots of old cans and nails. I finally got a decent hit on the detector and found this at the edge of the river. It weighs just about 2 grams and is a pretty little nugget. I also found a few other really small nuggets in the area and panned the river close by and found some fine gold dust as well. It was a pretty good day! It seem like I walked away with about 4 grams of gold in total.

California has been inundated with rain over the last week, which is great new for us prospectors. It means more gold is being washed down into the rivers for us to find come spring or summer. This year could be a lot of fun!

Now one fellow in Tuolumne County, California found this little nugget while panning for gold in 2016. Just imagine 559 grams of gold! His day was much better than mine I can tell you that for sure!

That's what makes prospecting and panning so much fun, you never know when you might hit the jackpot! Once you have gold fever it's tough to rid of it. There is literally gold, silver, and lost treasures everywhere around the world, and you have to do is to look and get really lucky!

The best way to start is to find a local prospecting group. They are always helpful in helping you to know what you need to get started and will likely let you tag a long to some promising locations. Just make sure to stay safe out there, no treasure is worth dying for. I hope I'm inspiring some of you to get out and try your luck looking for gold or lost treasures, it's a lot of fun!

If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments please feel free to leave them below. Thanks for taking the time to stop by, I really appreciate it!

And my disclaimer:

Gold prospecting is a very fun hobby, but it can be expensive. It's very possible that if you invest too much into equipment it may take a long to to get a return on your investment, and some people never do. Also please remember that not all detectors and dredges are the same, always research carefully before buying them. And please stay away from dangerous areas, no treasure is worth dying for!

All photos are mine unless otherwise noted.


Re-blog lottery

Now for the winner of the re-blog lottery! Today we had 30 people who re-blogged my post, thank you so much! The people who re-blogged were:


Voluntary daily reminder list for those who request to be on it: @ganjafarmer and @sayury
If you want to be added to the list as well just feel free to ask!

Thank you everyone! I have been working to improve my engagement and all of you have really helped out! If you have any recommendations or suggestions please feel free to let me know. I'm always looking to improve my posts.

Good luck to everyone!

@aburihan1 you missed the deadline of 2 PM California time yesterday, but thanks for the re-blog. If you re-blog this one today you will be in for the next round!

And the Wheel of Names results:
Winner #1:

Winner #2:

Congratulations @realhattyhats you have won 3 HSBI units and @florakese you have won 2 HSBI units!

Now for today's re-blog lottery! You just need to re-blog my post you will be placed on the Wheel of Names for a spin to possibly win up to 5 HSBI units! New twist, one winner on the first spin wins 3 HSBI, and a second spin for a chance for 2 HSBI, so two possible winners or one really lucky one could win both spins! An upvote is not required but is always greatly appreciated. Bots aren't allowed to win the prizes. Contest ends at 14:00 (2 PM) California Pacific time tomorrow. If I somehow missed your re-blog please let me know and I'll add you to the next draw.

What are HSBI units? They are units that you can purchase to sponsor someone and you in turn receive a unit as well. This way we both benefit! They give you occasional upvotes on your posts for a lifetime, and the more you accumulate the more often you receive upvotes and the bigger they can be. You can read some more here:


If you have more questions feel free to ask.

If you are interested in precious metals or even want to learn more about them feel free to come join us #silvergoldstackers

This is a new group focusing on on boarding and retaining new Hive members. Feel free to ask how you can help out!

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