Spermidine, the next donation ,and passive income ideas?

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I wanted to write an update post and keep y'all posted .

On the good news front I am responding well to spermidine. yes, it's ok to laugh at the name ha ha but rest assured mine is sourced from wheat germ lol. It is a compound similar to rapamycin in that is effect mtor, helps with autophagy and reduces inflammation.It does not however suppress the immune system which is why I had to stop rapamycin as I was getting infections more often than usual.

I am getting relief in my muscle stiffness and pain.Though not as much relief as I was getting with rapamycin. Also the nerve pain on the front/side of my shin that I have had for like a year and a half now has suddenly faded. It is not completely gone, but i am no longer getting the nerve zaps and it is more of an ache than a 9/10 pain.

I will get into details on this later.

Unfortunately no increase in physical energy but mental energy and cognition continues to improve (thanks lecithin and EFA's)

My orthostatic BP has stabilized to a point on the clonidine patches. They are much better on my system than the pills. The pills are too string when I first take them and wear off after 7-8 ish hours. The patches keep my BP from going to high or too low.

I wish i had better HR control on the clonidine. I may start to add in huperzine a again. I am fairly responsive to it. I stopped taking it in hopes. of getting a prescription for mestinon (they work very similarly) but no one will prescribe it. It really is too bad as it is an inexpensive med and if it works for me could be life changing.

I am just not sure what dosage of Hup a I should take for my POTS. How often etc. An rx would be much easier but no one will give it to me for some reason. It's not a controlled substance. you can't get high off it. One doctor said no because it s approved for a "real serious " disease and I am not ill enough. He is a real asshole. The same idiot who tried to trick me into taking and SNRI as a POTS patient with ortho high blood pressure and tachycardia (proven to make POTS patients worse)

The other drs are simply not familiar enough with it. So yet again I need to do it all myself. Hell I wouldn't be on clonidine if I didn't bring it up (don't get me wrong I am grateful my dr finally listened to me). I am SO tired of having to be my own doctor and guinea pig.


I plan to do the next donation in May. I have no idea when. Probaly mid-late. Of course I'll keep you posted.


The last thing I want to ask you guys is for suggestions, strategies etc to get more passive income on Hive. I am starting to feel better but I do want/need to focus my energies on my personal finances. We are doing ok, but both my husband and I have severe chronic illnesses and it's very expensive to buy all these supplements , co pays etc.

I want to build a better nest egg of crypto in general but also want to get more passive income on this account as I will not have as much energy to post and be as active as I have in the past.

Any ideas are welcome.

For now I am delegating and thinking about increasing my LOLZ holdings for the passive dividends.

That's it for now.

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