February Donation! With proof

Donations are back. Instead of monthly donations I have decided to commit to quarterly donations (at least). When I am healthy enough I will donate monthly but I can at this time commit to at least donating every quarter.

I am doing the best that I can. Unfortunately it is often the very ill patients that put in the work, effort and money because there are effectively no research funding for our diseases. We need able bodied allies in this fight too.

Governments worldwide have abandoned us so we need to do this on our own.

In all honesty, I am too sick to be running this account. but no one else is doing this so here we are.

This donation was worth about $25.

Here's the proof:


ltc block explorer

The .3 LTC sent after withdrawal fees is 0.2977336 LTC

I have some updates and possibly good news to report but doing these transactions and tracking kinda zapped my energy for the day.

Anyhoo. I am still here fighting for the millions of people who are medically neglected. Thanks for your support. I really appreciate you.

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