Aldi 2023 Candle Advent Calendar December 2

All photos by me.

Please not in this series not all candles will be lit in the photos. Rest assured I will be lighting them all. :)

Alt text: Photos are of a small jar candle . One photo the candle is in a small box. The other the candle is beside the box.

Today's scent :Caramel & Ginger Cookie

Though the scents are listed on the back I did my best to not read them because I want it to be a surprise. This candle is excellent. I love ginger/spiced scents. I wonder is Aldi sells this one in a full size.

These little jars are fantastic and I already have plans to re use them.

I do a little herb gardening and these jars will make great seed starter mini pots or can be used for cloning.

What will be in the box tomorrow...?

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