On this occasion, I will lead a discussion about the GOING THE DISTANCE battle rules. As part of the Splinterlands weekly challenge, I'll also talk about one card that's useful for anticipating the GOING THE DISTANCE rule.

So, this card is DRYBONE RAIDER, a rewards edition soulbound card.

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DRYBONE RAIDER is a neutral card in the soulbound rewards edition with legendary rarity. With 12 mana points, this card is appropriate for medium to large mana battles. This card has an advantage because it can make both melee and arrow attacks. So, when there is a GOING THE DISTANCE rule, this card can attack with a melee attack.

At the first level, this card have the ability DOUBLE STRIKE, which allows DRYBONE RAIDER's to double attack. At level 2, DRYBONE RAIDER's will gain the ability to destroy your opponent's shield. At the highest level, the shatte ability reduces the opponent's maximum health points.

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We will see DRYBONE RAIDER's abilities in action with the GOING THE DISTANCE rules. According to the GOING THE DISTANCE rules, only monsters with archery abilities can be introduced. In addition to the GOING THE DISTANCE rule, this battle has two other rules: UP TO ELEVEN and FAB FOUR. With this set of rules, I chose to maximize poison attacks.

I sent four cards as a personnel. I then added another skill with the help of the summoner, who reduces arrow attacks as well as the opponent's speed. The shield is an added benefit of having RAVENHOOD WARDEN. Aside from that, I use DRAGON ASSASIN to divert my opponent's attacks and avoid them.

Of course, it's not easy because the enemy has also sent a summoner to punish the archer monsters when they attack. Yes, with each monster having the RETURN FIRE ability, the counterattack will punish my archer monster.

My archer monsters fell one by one as a result of their attacks. The addition of attacks from Amplify increases the damage even more. Fortunately, the poison ability allows my monsters to finish off enemies.

Finally, with its melee abilities, DRYBONE RAIDER can benefit from the GOING THE DISTANCE rules. With only one enemy monster left that cannot attack, I will win this fight.

You can find the battle link below:


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The GOING THE DISTANCE battle rules allow only monsters with arrow attack abilities to appear. We can win the battle by using monsters with double attacks and two different types of attacks. Of course, we can add another team to support our flagship monster.

In this case, the summoner's ability also determines victory. You can change the course of the battle by installing a summoner that increases arrow attack power as well as a summoner with the ability to RETURN FIRE.

It is up to you to balance all of that against the abilities of the monsters we have. In this GOING THE DISTANCE battle, having DRIBONE RAIDER improves your chances of winning.

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