Hello everyone, how is your fight this week? Hopefully, the glints you collect will continue to increase until the end of the season.

This week, we will discuss the fog of war in the Splinterlands combat rules. Sometimes, we have to adjust the battle rules to our cards, because ordinary cards can beat legendary cards that are not in line with the rules.


If you find this battle logo, you should pay attention to several things, including:

  1. Strengthen your tank because all attacks can be directed at the front.
  2. Sneak, snipe, and opportunity abilities will not function in this battle mode.
  3. Reach and scattershot abilities are still functional in this mode.

You should also pay attention to any additional rules that accompany the fog of war rules, and ensure that these rules do not conflict with one another.


The following is a battle played according to the Fog of war ruleset.

This battle demonstrates how the fog of war applies to other battle rules.

What does not kill you, maneuvers and the fog of war are the applicable combat rules. This allows you to place a melee monster in second place and gain reachability.

If I have the most mana points, I would choose to place a monster with a high mana point total.

GRUM FLAMEBLADE is a tank that can also repel magical attacks. KRASH WANDERFORD, in second place, received weapon training from FEREXIAN HERO. FEROX DEFENDER serves as team protector. SORREL THE BALE and COUNTESS SINASH struck from behind.

In the first round, KRASH WANDERFORD launched an immediate attack on GRIMBARDUN FIGHTER, who was quickly defeated. Meanwhile, GRUM FLAMEBLADE managed to withstand the opponent's attacks in the first round.

VENARI SPELLSMITH was the opposing team's tank in the second round. but was helpless in the face of GRUM and KRASH. As with the rest of the opposing team, the arrow attack appeared unable to penetrate my team's tank.

And, with only one archer team remaining, my team is almost certain to win. because the arrow team cannot attack from the front.

For more information on the battle, please see the link below:


That's the link to the fight. You can observe the battle's progress.



Some monsters lose their abilities during the fog of war battles. such as sneak, snipe, and opportunity. As a result, it must be strengthened to withstand front-line attacks.

Except for scattershot attacks, monsters' rears are generally safe from attack. However, by strengthening the front line of defense, we can win the battle.

In the battle shown above, a strong tank is at the front, and a strong attacker in the back can quickly eliminate the enemy team.

That is the appearance of the battle using the fog of war rules; hopefully, it will inspire your strategy in Splinterlands battles.

That concludes my post on the Splinterlands challenge. Don't forget to sign up for the next challenge.

Talk about Splinterlands,
If you haven't tried out this fantastic game called Splinterlands yet, I invite you to Join.
It's free, but you'll need to invest in a beginning deck or buy gaming cards to gain real assets like cards and tokens.

If you already joined the splinterlands, and are looking for a place to grow. We need YOU. We are a chill, social guild looking for a few more active members! If you think you might be a fit, join us in our Discord

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