Exciting Splinterlands Battle: Tyrus Paladium vs. Obsidian | Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!

This time, we're diving into an exciting Splinterlands battle using 25 mana points. The battle unfolds under two special rules: Blood and Sunder and Fog of War. In Blood and Sunder, all monsters gain the Rust ability, automatically reducing the enemyโ€™s armor each time they attack. Meanwhile, Fog of War eliminates sneak, snipe, and opportunity abilities, making attack strategies more limited and challenging.

My Team: Tyrus Paladium

I chose Tyrus Paladium as my level 6 summoner, providing a bonus of 1 armor point to all monsters on my team. Here is my team's lineup:

  1. Pelacor Conjurer (Level 5): Possesses the Flying and Magic Reflect abilities, making it very resilient against magic attacks.
  2. Dax Paragon (Level 1): Although low-level, Dax plays a crucial role in my team's strategy.
  3. Djinn Renova (Level 4): With the Strengthen ability to boost the team's health and Triage to heal non-frontline monsters.
  4. Iziar (Level 2): This monster has the Taunt ability to draw attacks and Void to provide extra resistance against magic attacks.

My Opponent's Team: Obsidian

My opponent selected Obsidian as their level 5 summoner, granting a 1 magic attack boost to all monsters on their team. Here's my opponent's team:

  1. Hill Giant (Level 2): A high-health monster serving as a frontline tank.
  2. Fungus Fiend (Level 1): A small, low-cost monster strategically filling a position.
  3. Queen Mycelia (Level 1): Provides the Protect ability, adding armor to all monsters.
  4. Regal Peryton (Level 5): Equipped with the Flying ability, making it hard to hit.
  5. Goblin Psychic (Level 5): Has Tank Heal to heal the frontline monster and Affliction to prevent healing on the target.
  6. Djinn Biljka (Level 2): With Camouflage and Void, making it hard to target and resistant to magic attacks.

Battle Analysis

The battle began with both teams utilizing their unique monster and summoner abilities. Tyrus Paladium's armor bonus offered significant defense amidst the corrosive attacks from the Blood and Sunder rule. On the other hand, Obsidian's magic attack boost made my opponent's attacks more lethal, especially when combined with Goblin Psychic's Affliction ability, which could block my Djinn Renova's Triage healing.

Early Rounds:

  • Pelacor Conjurer at the front of my team demonstrated its strength by dodging many attacks due to its Flying ability and reflecting magic attacks back at the enemy.
  • Iziar drew most of the opponent's attacks with its Taunt ability, giving Djinn Renova time to use Triage and keep the team healthy.
  • Dax Paragon provided additional attacks, although its impact was not as significant as the other monsters.

Middle Rounds:

  • My opponent's Hill Giant withstood numerous hits but was eventually taken down by combined attacks from my team.
  • Goblin Psychic posed a tough challenge with Tank Heal, making the frontline monsters harder to defeat.
  • Regal Peryton was difficult to hit due to its Flying ability but eventually fell to the constant corrosion from the Blood and Sunder rule.

Final Rounds:

  • Continuous healing from Djinn Renova kept my team in good health, while Pelacor Conjurer's Magic Reflect dealt significant damage back to the magic attackers.
  • Djinn Biljka, despite its magic resistance, eventually succumbed to the ongoing damage and lack of healing once Goblin Psychic was defeated.

Final Outcome

With a combination of strong defense, consistent healing, and effective attacks, my team emerged victorious. The key to winning was my ability to keep the team alive longer through healing and relying on Magic Reflect to damage the opponent's magic-based strategy.

To see the full battle details, you can visit:


Strategy and Additional Considerations

Throughout the battle, there were key moments highlighting the importance of choosing the right cards and strategy. The decision to use Pelacor Conjurer as the front-line tank proved highly effective, especially with the Fog of War rule limiting sneak and snipe abilities. This allowed Pelacor Conjurer to focus on absorbing direct attacks without worrying about backline threats.

Djinn Renova's healing through Triage was crucial, counteracting the negative effects of Goblin Psychic's Affliction and maintaining the team's health. The health boost from Strengthen also significantly enhanced the team's overall durability.

Conversely, my opponent attempted to maximize magic attacks with Obsidian's bonus and Goblin Psychic's healing to extend the life of frontline monsters. However, without additional healing once Goblin Psychic was eliminated, the opponent's team's defense crumbled.


This battle showcased the importance of selecting the right combination of monsters and summoners based on the battle rules. While my opponent had strong magic attacks, my team's defensive capabilities and healing turned the tide. Splinterlands offers a depth of strategy that makes each match a thrilling experience!

Understanding the battle rules and optimizing monster abilities can create a robust strategy to win matches. This battle served as a valuable lesson in balancing offense and defense and having a backup plan to tackle challenges during the fight. Splinterlands continually delivers surprises and exciting challenges for every player!

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