Terracore stats from Damage to Defense here is what I upgraded today

I play various games on hive blockchain, The best by now is Golem Overlord followed by Terracore and I also have some expectations from a upcoming game that will go live soon named Holozing. For this blog i am here to share about the Terracore stat upgrades done by me today. I was imposed with penalties again and this time the number of attacks were reduced to 6 so that is why I finally upgraded.

See my stats below that are now my old stats.

In the above screenshot where I own 1750 scraps, I used more than 1100+ scraps to upgrade my terracore stats. here is what I upgraded,

  1. Stash Size - Staked another 100 scraps today to reach a total of 800.

  2. Favor - ALso burnt 100 scraps to reach 800 favor.

  3. Defense - This was also pushed by one level as that is what my priority is for now, to make my defense strong so that less players attack me in the game.

  4. Damage - I seriously upgraded this as a compulsion as without this upgrade the penalties will not go away so I also gave a 1 level boost to my damage and with that you can see below my new stats.

The game terracore is not for new comers anymore and that is why I don't suggest anyone to join the game right now. You can look for games like holozing and Crypto Company CEO which will be launched in near future with game play available for them.

That is all for now, I will now take a leave from this blog and eat something as I am super hungry and it's 23:15 here in my country at the time of writing this blog.

Thank you

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