My Experience Of Road Trip To Kabul For A Job Interview

Source Of Image: Photo by Qasim Mirzaie:

15 years ago I completed my MBA degree which is equivalent to Mphil in my country because it's duration is 18 years; I was lucky enough to get an interview call from a company that had small businesses all over a lot of countries called "Ghazanfar Group" however the issue was the interview place was situated at Kabul, Afghanistan which at that time was occupied by USA armed forces. I did not hesitate at that time and seized this golden opportunity and luckily for me my heart was powerful enough to make such risky decisions. So I packed my suitcase and went to the "Torkham Border" which is situated near the city of "Peshawar". I found a Taxi that was cheap for 100 dollars because that taxi was not a special taxi but had other passengers as well. The special taxi cost was 400 dollars which I could not afford at that time.
So the journey from Torkham Border to the captial city of Afghanistan started and It was an amazing experience because the weather was extremely nice with cool fresh air. In between I had lunch at a local restaurant in which I ate the famous dish of "Kabuli Pulao" which I really enjoyed eating a lot.
Well I managed to reach the destination of Kabul and gave the Taxi driver a 20 dollars tip on top of the 100 dollars and then I went on to pass in that interview. My job post was situated at Dubai but sadly I could sustain at that job position for only One month and got a whopping 3k dollars which was really as if I won a lottery ticket.

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