Minutes Of Meeting With A Barber

Source Of Image: Photo by Nikolaos Dimou: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-holding-gray-straight-razor-1319461/

A teacher of mine once told me a king only listens to three people in life and these are:

  • A barber
  • A cook
  • A gardener

Well since I heard this from my teacher a very long time ago may be like 25 years ago I started to become fond of barbers in my life. So one day I had a barber do my beard and shave my head so I asked him a very simple question that what is your son doing right now? and he responded back to me that his son has his own barber shop. So I continued to ask him another question that did your son do any planning before opening his barber shop? so he told me that NO he said he planed it the night before going outside the house to open his new barber shop.

After hearing what the barber said I told my self if I was in shoe of that barber shop owner It would take me 1 week to plan and prepare and this guy just made a decision at night and went on to execute it in the morning strange very strange this means that this barber's son had:

  • No ADHD
  • Had Just do it approach
  • No overthinking
  • No trauma
  • No stress related illness
  • No depression

What do you guys think about this story? Are you impressed from the Barber's son like I am or not?

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