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Numbers 13 : 26 to 14 : 5


And he said unto them, Take heed what ye hear: with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you: and unto you that hear shall more be given
(Mark 4:24).


With the ear one hears various sounds: low and gentle sounds, whispers, noise, organized and unorganized sound, sweet sound and music, crying, laughing, singing, sighing. with the ear you hear a roaring of the lion or the hissing oft a snail.
Sounds can warn us of coming danger, or it can notify us of something good. Ears can lead one to safety or into danger. The ten spies and the children of Israel in the book of Numbers chapters 13:26 to 14:5 will be our case study.


The twelve spies sent out to scout the promised land
returned after forty days with their report and with some samples of fruits they had found. They said the grain and grape Vines grew tall and strong and that there was plenty to eat and drink. But there was one problem; there were walls around the
cities, and the people were fierce and strong. The spies were afraid and didn't think the Israelites would be able to conquer people like that.

But two of the spies. Caleb and Joshua remembered God's promise that He will give the land to the Israelites.
Caleb reassured the people as they stood before Moses, "Let us go up at once and posses it", he said, "for we are well able to conquer it!

"Not against people as strong as they are! the other spies said, "They would crush us! Thus they were two strong reports. Ten spies said the people they saw were giants. they are too strong for the
Israelites. In other words we cannot face them. This report did not carry any word of God. It Showed no trust in the ability of God.
The report of the other two, Caleb and Joshua's were based on what God could do. But the people ignored or forgot all the miracles God has been doing in their midst.
They rejected Caleb's and Joshua's report. They accepted the evil report of
the other ten spies.

The people heard message of fear and discouragement.
They refused to listen to words of faith. This made God very angry and the journey that could have lasted forty days, took them forty years.

All those who refused to believe God perished in the wilderness. None reached the promised land.
All because they were not careful in what they heard.
Jesus said, "take heed what you hear." What you hear can mean life to you. It can also mean death. It all depends on how you hear or on how you respond to what you hear. Your ears are open always and must receive sound that impinges on them. They must make one to hear" The sound could be an invitation to give your heart to Jesus It could also be an invitation to join in a criminal act. One leads to life and the other leads to destruction.

Our song says:
Be careful little ears what gou hear

The ears are yours. It is only what you pay heed to, that you hear.
You can refuse to hear what will not help you, like invitation to sin, to cheat, to steal. Someone can say to you, come and let us plan evil and as a child of God you can refuse to hear.
When someone says to you, Come and let us serve the Lord. This is a good invitation and a child of God will love to hear this.

Let us pray to God to give us power to hear what will make us serve him better. May He give us power to say, "No!" when sin beckons on us.



  1. Listen to worldly music.
  2. Listen to bad stories or gossip against others.
  3. Hear invitation to join in the company of the wicked (Psalms 1:1).
  4. Will not hear orders and commandments by parents or
  5. Will rather listen the voice that tells them to disobey. Eve had careless ears. She listened to the lies of of the serpent and so disobeyed God.
  6. Listen to the voice of temptation to do evil.


  1. Listen to the preaching of God's word.
  2. Hate to listen to gossips. Rather love to hear testimonies
    of what God has done.
  3. Listen to the invitation of Jesus Christ "come onto me..."
    Matthew 11:28.
  4. Little Samuel had careful ears. He heard the Lord's voice in 1 Samuel 3:6,10.
  5. Hear parent's commands and Keep them.
    6.Hear the cry of people in need
  6. Love to hear songs of praises, particularly to God.


The instruction is very simple and clear:

  • Realize your sinful condition
  • Realize the result if not treated
  • Realize that the only remedy is "accepting Jesus Christ.
    Accept Him now.


Into my heart, come into my heart Lord Jesus Christ. Come in to save me. Come in to stay in me Oh! Jesus Christ - Amen.

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