This is a "Live Story Testimony." I mean, it is a testimony of a real life.


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My dear brothers and sisters, consider it a great joy when you face various trials (James 1:2 Paraphrased Version).

Esteemed brethren and sisters, when adversities of any nature cross your path, view them as a chance for profound elation (James 1:2 NLT‬).

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations (James 1:2 KJV).


We visited the headquarters of the now-defunct audacious security organization that once struck fear into both the virtuous and the malevolent in the southeastern region of Nigeria. Our purpose was to inquire about Mama's son, who had been missing for a number of weeks. (Mama was known for being the longest-serving deaconess in our local church and also my neighbor, a woman of great piety).

We arrived at this makeshift office located in an unfinished building in the middle of nowhere. Their response was as harsh as their deeds. Only one of them had the courtesy to address us with kindness upon recognizing me.

After perusing their extensive ledger as if he were the angel tasked with examining 'the book of life,' indicating whose name was listed or missing, he pulled me aside and candidly informed me that the young man had been slain a few days prior.

He questioned why we had delayed in coming, almost as if attempting to rationalize their actions or incompetence.
What am I to do? How do I convey the news to Mama that her son, the provider and beacon of hope for the future, had been murdered? Nothing seemed logical to me. And she persistently inquired about their response.

She sat in the midst of the marketplace and threatened not to accompany me home unless I disclosed their response to her. With courage, I imparted the news to her. She then asked if I would accompany her to the church for a brief moment before returning home. Upon entering the church, Mama hastened to the altar and commenced singing, "thy will be done, thy will be done, O teach me from my heart to say thy will be done!"

She prayed, wept, smiled, and gave thanks. Her prayer was simple: "Lord, I surrender to Your will. If You find delight and satisfaction in these circumstances, then I too am content and joyful in You. I deem You faithful, and my joy and praise shall remain steadfast!" Mama stood up, and we departed for home, her countenance radiant with a divine and angelic smile that left the neighbors, who later learned of the events, astounded.

This is the embodiment of a believer's life, particularly those who are acquainted with their God and have submitted their lives to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. They respond to life from a realm of hope, joy, and tranquility.

Their reactions to precarious situations transcend human comprehension. The Holy Spirit imparts courage and instills joy in their hearts during the most challenging seasons of their existence!

Life is capricious. It encompasses everything - pain and pleasure, jubilation and discord, mirth and despondency. What truly matters is not what life presents to us, but how we respond. With the Spirit of God at work within us, He will consistently exchange beauty for ashes, gladness for mourning, and praise for sorrow.

This week, regardless of what life throws your way, rejoice! All occurrences are orchestrated to serve your greater good. Stand resolute and proclaim to the world that you serve a benevolent God who will unfailingly bring to fruition all that concerns you in accordance with His eternal purpose.

As long as you walk with Him, nothing is lacking or broken in your life. This season is but fleeting. The splendor that God will unleash in your life henceforth is beyond compare to whatever tribulations you are currently enduring. You are a child of an Almighty God - disappointment and disadvantage are foreign to you! May peace be upon you in the name of Jesus Christ - Amen.

✍️ NOTE:

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