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Acts 2:42-47; Ephesians 2:19-22; Colossians 1:3-14


The multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one sou, neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed wes his own; but they had all things common (Acts 4:32 KJV).


God's will for His children and followers is that they live in close fellowship/relationship..


We are going to look into what it means to live in Christian community. We are going to see how we can help the growth of the church and help ourselves within the community.


At the end of the lesson, anyone who studies this lesson will do the followings:

  1. Find out what "Christians living in a state of Community" means.
  2. Remark the dangers and realities of divisions in the Church and allow unity.
  3. Ask God's help for living in a way that reflects the hope and transformation we received through Christ.


a) Devoted to Fellowship–Acts 2:42-43
At the the preaching of Peter on the Pentecostal day converted 3000 persons to the church (v.41). So, there is need for Apostles to engage seriously in the preaching, teaching of the gospel and prayers because that help to grow the church. The church continued to grow from 3000 to 5000 (Acts 4:4) and to uncountable multitudes (Acts 5:14). As the Apostles continued in prayer, preaching and teaching of the Word of God, that resulted to a good Christian community. Those who are well to do considered the less privileged as their own brothers and sisters, that they share things they have in common.

The doctrines the apostles taught are available to us in the inspired Scripture. A major focus of the New Testament is ensuring believers have a proper understanding of Jesus' commands as described and applied by the apostles (see Ephesians 4:11-15).

While the apostles' evangelistic preaching told unbelievers about the gospel, their teaching instructed believers about the Christian life.

Luke noted that the believers "devoted themselves. .. to fellowship" (Acts 2:42, NLT). This kind of fellowship goes beyond faithful church attendance and includes partnership. Together, believers fulfilled the Church's purpose and shared in its message and work. They leaned on each other, realizing that life in Christ includes life in the body of Christ.

Finally, the believers were devoted to corporate prayer. Life in the body of Christ was not an individual pursuit. The community valued prayer, recognizing that believers grow together when they pray together. In a sense, verse 43 describes the impact of verse 42. Because of the apostles' teaching and the work of the Holy Spirit in their community, "fear came over every soul" (KJV).

The apostles' teaching was also accompanied by amazing miracles, which confirmed the Word they taught and proclaimed (see Mark 16:20). Miracles continually accompanied the preaching of the gospel once the apostles set the pattern. The ministry of Stephen (one the chosen deacons) was accompanied by "great wonders and miracles' (Acts 6:8, KJV).

The contemporary Christians can devote also in "prayers, teaching and preaching the sound and undiluted Word of God.

What are some ways Christians today can devote themselves to the teaching of the Word? Corporate prayer is also very important in addition to private prayer.

b) Devoted to Each Other–Acts 2:44-47
These verses give very beautiful pictures of mutual devotion in the Bible. The expression "met together" (v. 44) a demonstration of one mind and one accord. Their unity was emotional and spiritual at the same time, "shared everything they had", including the proceeds from the properties and possessions they sold on their own. Their purpose was to show compassion and love for those in need.

Everyone cared for each other and made sure no one lacked. They gathered for worship at the temple and for the Lord's Supper at one another's homes. They lived in community, and the result was both joy and generosity. Such a lifestyle ultimately bore witness to those around them (verse 47). The communal living they set then is good, but that might not be a pattern today.
The priority of the Church then was to show generosity to those in need. Their care for one another and the meaningful relationships that developed serve as an example for us today. Those among us who have plenty should give generously to those in need.

The word fellowship should be defined as follows: 1) Vertical Fellowship: Communication, service and obedience to God

  1. Horizontal Fellowship: Communication and Service to each wherever we see our fellow Christian (Acts 2:42-47).

2. A GOD-BUILT HOUSEHOLD (Ephesians 2:19-20)
a) No Longer Strangers
Paul wrote the book of Ephesians and the other Epistles extensively about God's plan to bring forth the Church as a community of both Jewish and Gentile believers together. Paul plainly explained the purpose of the gospels: It offers reconciliation with God to the entire world. On this perspective, everyone stands as equal (vv. 2:11-18).

The church at Ephesus was more of the Greek converts to Christianity (v. 19). Paul said, you are no longer strangers and aliens. "Strangers" refers to short-term visitors, while "aliens" refers to residents without full citizenship rights. Before Jesus came, Gentile Converts to Judaism were considered outsiders, but now they were fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God" (KJV). The two groups were made one in Christ (verse 14).

Paul, illustrated his point with building imagery (verse 20). The moment these Gentiles became Christians, they were set upon the same foundation as the Jewish Christians (see 1 Corinthians 3:11). Not only is Jesus the foundation, but He is the cornerstone. This stone literally joined two walls at the corner, holding the entire building together. The Church is made up of people who are first and foremost our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Jesus is the cornerstone" of the Church in the sense that he is the pillar that joins two partitions together.

The common source of division in the church is leadership, money and partiality. The church should avoid it.

b) A Holy Temple for the Lord (Ephesians 2:21-22)

This portion of the Bible gives insight into why this figurative building, the Church, is so important. In the building, all believers are being joined together into a sound and steady structure without cracks or divisions. We are "becoming a holy temple for the Lord'" (verse 21, NLT). As His temple, the Church is a "dwelling where God lives by His Spirit" (verse 22, NLT). We serve the same purpose that the temple in Jerusalem once served: We are God's dwelling place in this world (2 Corinthians 6:16). We are not a temple of God, rather "we are His holy temple". This puts us in contrast with the world around us. The Church's holiness is both a gift from God and a response to God (Hebrews 10:10; Ephesians 1:4)).

This unity as seen in Ephesians 2:19-22 can be demonstrated by considering each other equal no matter your race or tribe. We are one in Christ Jesus, with the same hope or rapture into glory.

The church is a "holy temple for the Lord" when Holiness and obedience unto God is the order of the day.

3. FAITHFUL AND HOLY COMMUNITY (Colossians 1:3 - 14)
a) Growing in the Faith (vv.3-8)
Colossians 1:1-14 introduces Paul's letter to the Greek converts in the church in Colossae. They were enduring many challenges to their faith, facing false teaching from within while striving to serve Christ in a hostile environment.

Paul thanked God for these Christians and commended them for actions and attitudes that expressed genuine, growing faith in Christ. They were people of hope, and their lives reflected their assurance of the world to come. This kind of faith in the promise of eternal life naturally impacts the way we live here and now.

Paul closed this section with an interesting phrase. His fellow worker, Epaphras, had been discipling the Colossians, and he told Paul "about the love for others that the Holy Spirit has, given" the Colossians (verse 8, NLT). Their love for others had been awakened by the Holy Spirit, testifying to their genuine faith.
Just as Paul wrote to the believers in Rome (Romans 5:5).

b) Living Worthy of Christ (vv. 1:9-14)
Paul prayed the believers in Colossae would be filled with the knowledge of God's will (v 9). In its broadest sense, God's will that we would imitate Jesus' life, ministry, sacrifice, and teachings by the power of the Spirit. The spiritual
wisdom and understanding Paul mentioned don't come naturally. They come from the Word of God.

From this foundation of knowledge and wisdom, "the way you live will always honor and please the Lord" (verse 10, NLT). God gives knowledge and wisdom with a practical intent.

Not only does Paul pray for the believers' external fruitfulness, but he prays for their internal spiritual growth as well. His vision is that the Špirit would empower them to patiently endure trouble and be filled with joy and gratitude. He concludes his prayer with a reminder of their new identity.

The Holy Spirit helps us grow in spiritual wisdom and understanding through studying and meditating in the Bible always. To be closer to God means living in a way that is worthy of the Lord.


The Church is a community of transformed people. We have been changed by Christ and now live by the Spirit. That kind of community life is naturally different from what is known.


Ask God to examine your heart and show you any attitudes that would bring division or disunity into the Church - then avoid it.

Pray daily for God to help you live a life that is worthy of the incredible blessings and gifts God has given you.