Thank you FreeCompliments Fer The SBI Units!

Seeing a line of rewards from SBI's today on Hive (Power Up) Day!


Taking a moment to express gratitude for and of sum little green frog cartoon meme that haz spawned from sum mind in the form of a token to be known as PEPE (token). Things have been coming together in sum form after an initial expression of a "meme coin" that didn't have enough, or couldn't find enough memes for itself alone. Now months later having discovered many new frens! Part in the world of then leofinance threads, now inleo. Lots of fun there and won a LEO delegation last month. Interacting with and using the #freecompliments tags and being rewarded, now seeing fruits of such labor. Leading / melding with Haven Henthusiasts Guild, Ladies of Hive, and Alive with sum mix of partnerships, token swaps, and matching delegation support. Everyday not giving out over a dozen tokens part of which is ALIVE thanks to a supporting delegation which was returned with a PEPE delegation to one of the ALIVE curators. With a handful of PEPE curators budding and floating around to moar posts being found tagged with #pepe on the Hive blockchain. Making this little idea spawning into a little success of its own. Great thank you and appreciation to all that have helped, supported, and used PEPE in sum way!

Little moar surprises on the way and in search of moar ideas, partnerships, whatever may be found on this little frog's token path. With a continuous experiment of this token and see what we may create in sum form of Pepe beyond memes that may be freely expressed in posts to be rewarded with tokens with a little PEPE flavor thrown in with the others when voluntarily tagged with #pepe.

Feels Good Man!

*notification list (comment to be added): @ganjafarmer @kenny-crane *

$PEPE Hive Engine - LeoDex - TribalDex

$PEPECASH Hive Engine - LeoDex - TribalDex

$RPEPE Hive Engine - LeoDex - TribalDex

Pepe Token Community Ecency - LeoFinance - PeakD

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