Lasmari Beach Bar - what a treat!!

Chicken salad with edumami beans, corn, deep fried egg, lettuce, onion, tomato & cucumber

Lasmari Beach Bar

Stunning beach

Tzadziki, olives, beetroot and pepper dip and olives

Eden and I arrived at the beach bar with the intention of having a swim and a time of relaxing as we were both exhausted from a very heavy week of working and ended up treating ourselves to a Chicken Salad and Dips with Pita bread. We shared the meal and had a whole take away container as it was too much for the two of us.

The greek salad was served in an edible taco shell - too delicious for words.

A salad fit for kings

A perfect setting for a magnificent lunch

Pita bread for the dips

After lunch we went for a swim but did not stay in the water for long as it was a very windy day. The temperature of the water was amazing - not cold at all - but the wind was a little bit chilly so we didn't stay in for long.

It was without doubt a great memory - and we love creating memories.

We had cappuccino after the swim - the coffee was superb.

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