Walking around the city and enjoying

Hello everyone
Today's iam going to some pictures.The ones I took today, and I just went around the city today. I took a lot of pictures there and enjoyed myself thoroughly, ate and drank.
Here are .....

And,This person sells fruits and also makes juices. He prepares all kinds of juices and gives them, and they are very tasty, yummy juice .

Additionally,Here you can also see more shops. This hotel is the most famous hotel in our city; we come here to eat food, and the food is very tasty, and the service is also very good.

And,Then we saw a chips vendor on the way who makes potato chips that are very crunchy and tasty.
Potato chips are a popular and everyone ate it enjoyed it worldwide.very yummy yummy mostly in colleges, school's This is available.
Beautiful sky and birds

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