Wishful Wednesday : Wishes & Reasons(if wishes were horses)

While staring at the Free Compliment Wishful Wednesday post, I had to pause for a minute to meditate on what I would wish for if I were to be asked right now.

TBH, if we ask many people today to list their top wishes, most would wish for loads of things, but I’m guessing money would be a big part of their many wishes.

So I thought about my money wish. Because let's face it, we can't do without money.

I could just tell you I want peace of mind, happiness, and blah blah blah, but what I have been meditating on recently, is what having a million dollars feels like.

Before you judge me, hold on for a second...

I know this goal is somewhat ambiguous. It’s why I made the statement in the title that if wishes were horses....because as we all know - beggars would ride.

Although it is evident that I am merely wishing for this without even having a plan of how I would get there. We can't ignore the fact that it's almost on everyone's mind because money is essential to life.

However the case may be, what I do have in my mind right now is having that f#ck you money without saying f#cl you to anyone.

Although I might still do that

Nevertheless, my point of having this amount is not really about the amount or what it can get me, but rather the type of security and stability it brings, especially if you are a fan of living a frugal lifestyle.

You'll like it much better because you are sure to multiply it if you keep below your means.

There are a lot of reasons why many of us wish for things, and I believe it is those reasons, and those why’s that will determine how we will chase them and plan them out.

Are they strong enough?

Someone open to having a million dollars so he can buy a yacht or go on vacation for the rest of his or her life might not really have a tangible reason in my opinion, because it’s not so motivating to just think about how you want to spend your first million when you’ve not even accomplished the goal.

The reasons why we do things matter, and every so often it is the only thing that matters, and they are what gives us purpose and drive to keep on and press on whenever we are faced with obstacles.

I think the first part of wishing for anything is to have a strong why and with my why which is security and stability, I'm open to visualizing a plan that I know would take me to where I want to be.

When that is attained(financial security and stability) it’ll be much easier to focus on other productive and purposeful missions and projects that one is hoping to embark on.

We all know that if wishes were horses that beggars would ride and while I’m wishing for a million-dollar portfolio or wallet for myself someday in the future, I also must want to plan it out, so it won’t be just mere wishful thinking. However, for this post, I will be diving into only the why and my plans will come later in my next finance post.

Thanks for reading and stopping by

Let us know what you wish for if you were to be asked this moment and answer without thinking twice.

Until next time

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