Wishful Wednesday: I wish you don’t wish for a world without pain

He took his pain and turned it into something beautiful. Into something that people connect to. And that's what good music does. It speaks to you. It changes you.

Hannah Harrington

I know many people who wish for a world without pain but won’t that make the world tasteless.


In this life we’ve all got our fair share of regrets and sometimes we wish we could go back and change things but the truth is that it’s impossible. And even if we could change things, that won’t still means we’ll then be able to live a life without pain.

You see many people think that when they make their pain go away, lessen them or wipe them off completely then that’s when they will be able to feel better, good, happy and elevated from the shackles of their problems, which brings them pain.

Wishing for pain to go is like wishing that problems never existed. Which means we’ll have nothing to wake up to, and strive to solve, or figure out, nor would we have something to keep our curiosity alive.

The thing is if I could wish for one thing it would be a world without pain. And reason for saying this is that many people see this as a way out, I do too, however recently through some deep reflections I realize that we are able to transform ourselves above pain and problems. And also we as humans in our innate self are problem solvers, so that means having nothing to solve would entirely make the world of problem solving non existence. Then there won’t be human progress. Imagine still living as cavemen without tech. Kinda sucks right? Even back then, cavemen were going thru their own form of pain and still transformed themselves to make progress to their life and evolve past their situation.

This is why it’s possible as humans now living in the modern world to also be able to transform our pain.

And make life worthwhile without wishing for all our pains to go away or vanish like they were never there

It’s best to use our pain as fuels that fuels our creativity, curiosity and change instead of wishing for a world with no pain. And just like Bruce always says - pain is the greatest teacher.

And that doesn’t imply we choose pain for no specific reason. We should know why we feel pain so we are able to transform them.

Being alive and existing in this world comes with a joyful feeling that is always available to us each moment and telling us that we can be happy and fulfilled, if only we look inside of us and stop letting our pain, problem and anxieties define us. Transform yourself today and wish not for a life without pain and problems, but a life that is filled with beauty and bliss even when your life situation seems painful at the moment.

Until next time

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