Talent Tuesday : I Choose Me

Amidst all the struggles
Amidst all the strifes
Amidst all the hype
I choose me.

The world may fall
The world may crawl
The world might not get to walk
But I’ll find me.

Life might not be perfect
Things might get me upset
The world’s balance might be offset
Yet, I’ll keep my peace and remain quiet.

In my quietness I see clarity
In my struggles I build strength
With every fall I stand back up with all my might
Mighty I stand, fallen is my past.

The future is not yet here
The past has gone there
The present is here
And I am here to choose who’s dear
But each time I seek, I can’t find anyone so close or near.

I guess it’s only me who can dare without fear
I guess it’s only me who can face my fears
Amidst all the struggle and the dire
I will always choose me to hold the spear.


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