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Responsibility is Scary

I get scared of this word whenever i hear it. Before you call me lazy try and hear me out then you'll see that it might not be my fault.

Wait...thats just me not taking responsibility for things right? Because everything that happens to a man is his fault, but when i was mu h younger i nevee really thought about jow much power and control we all have over our lives.

Furst its school, food and clothese. These are all things that your parents decide for you and if youre not being careful youll think that they are the ones that would have to keep deciding for you all your life.

I even know some people who their parents still decide for them up until adulthood. Not that theres nothing bad in there but we should know that whatever comes from each decision either from our parents, friends or family members is our fault and never about anyone around you.

In the past i would say i am in for pointing fingers at people which i am not proud of because i saw how i couldnt have done it better too. And if we are being honest not everything is going to go perfectly the way we want it all of the time.

Unless youre a God and can snap a finger to make things happen or you have a genie in a lamp then youre prone to make mistakes. Costly or not is not the case but rather after you e realized your mistakes and faults the next question to ask is what exactly will you do now champ?

Take Responsibility and Move on to make things better or Wallow in pain, guilt, shame and then blame others for those mistakes.

Responsibility for me was not something i choose and if i could, i honestly dont know what to choose because you see in this life weve all got one or two excuses that holds us back from reaching our peak potential.

It could be excuses, blaming others or just being a lazy ass naturally or too stupid to take actions. Sorry for my harsh words but this is something i myself have had a fair share of due to being carefree from a young age. Incould say its my background. But right now im in a space to decide on a lot of things and i see how hard it is for humans to make decision.

Not that its hard to decide on things but due to the uncertainty of the outcomes we get scared that we might lose. Its like trying not to invest in assets just because you might lose money. However what we forget to think is what if we get to win.

Life will deal you many cards but they are all about left and right, do it or dont, take responsibility or dont.

Its thats simples to be honest. So no matter which cards we are dealt with its never going to be an easy road.

Some people would say the rich are dealt with good cards but i dont think thats true because they also suffer from a lot of emotional baggage and countless things that are never brought to the publics attention since they can use their money to make it go away without getting to the publics eyes.

The difference between us is just that the poor dont have money to buy a mask to maskup their pain hence the perception that others have about them smiling all the time. Reminds me of the joker, yes the rich can be compared to jokers at some point because many of them, not all, are always smiling in public and suffering in silence.

Life will never be a smooth sail but whichever route your ship ends up its 100% your fault. The rich are self-made, this we hear so often but the poor are also self-made even if they dont want to admit it.