Mastery isn't a sudden Event

Anyone can be great for a minute, music can trend for a season, and any post can get the attention it needs before 7 days. However, to be able to master greatness in that career, create great music over a long period and write posts that do get some eyeballs and engagement over time, you've got to keep at it without relenting.

The mistake I've seen some well-known artists, entrepreneurs, and writers make most of the time is that whenever things start going smoothly to the extent that almost everyone on the planet, environment and platform is consuming what they produce is that they start resting on their laurels.

And this is why you see some artists who were in their prime years ago start creating shitty art, music and movies that you just wondered if they were the same person you listened to, seen, and watched.

The fact is that there is nothing wrong with resting.

Nonetheless, just like sleep is the cousin of death, resting is the cousin of stopping. If you are to become better, exceptional and a great person in whatever career you do...

Mastery lies not at the starting point, it's not that moment when a light bulb lights up in your head, mastery lies in still doing what you planned to do, without stopping when the motivation, grit and enthusiasm have died down.

This is the road to mastery in anything in life. And if we are being honest this is what the world leaders and great men of today won't tell you. But what we hear them say online is that moment when their ideas came into their mind like a flash. Remember when Mark Zuckerberg left school to create Facebook, these are the types of stories people tell each other and how they need that biggest moment to come in before they get started on their craft and follow their ambitions.

The truth is that whatever it is you've got a passion for, you'll not become a better person at it if you only keep it inside your head all day without working on it.

Have you ever seen a great musician who doesn't sing, a writer who doesn't write and a painter who never paints? Never!

The thing that separates failures from successful men of today is that they do things which failures don't like today. For this reason, it is easy for them to attain mastery beyond anyone's imagination.

What is that thing you've been striving at but you feel once you hit it you'll start resting, you can, but, if you are to attain mastery in what you do, a single event, art, albums or articles that gains attention ain't going to get you to mastery.

Keep at it and never let the attention get to you.

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