Let your tears flow freely

Have you ever had the urge to cry but keep the tears for a moment of happiness?

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Many people do not know that tears are expressions of our deepest emotions and that it is not only for sadness that we can cry for sorrow; others believe that tears symbolize weakness, which is not the case.

Sometimes, tears can also come from a moment of gratitude, joy, or love. They go out of our eyes and roll down our cheeks, making us reflect and leave that deep emotion.

But sometimes, we keep those tears. We do not let them come out. That is an emotion we leave aside that is not being taken care of for some reason.

But why do we keep it?

Because expressing these emotions costs us so much, this is sometimes mirrored in guys. Boys are taught from a young age not to weep and that it is not masculine. They then turn to females and tell them that crying is just for weak individuals and those who are already insecure.

This sometimes comes from our upbringing, where we oppress our children's feelings of crying. Sometimes, we tell our crying children to express their emotions, "Stop crying," and "It's coming with your tears." From there, we parents feel guilty that our children are oppressing their feelings.

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This implies that when they become adults, they cannot consider or express this emotion, which causes them to suppress their tears out of shame or fear of being judged by others. This is especially common among males, who, therefore, feel weaker. Still, some individuals hold onto them because they fear appearing vulnerable in front of others or cannot manage their emotions.

Many of us, however, are unaware that suppressing those tears suppresses our emotions, repressing that aspect of ourselves out of shame or fear and thus preventing even our delight from being processed. Some claim they cannot cry because they have a trapped emotion they cannot communicate. This significantly prevents us from letting go of what is inside us if it burdens us.

Crying allows us to let go of what we carry inside, to unburden ourselves, and to let go of our emotions. This allows us to release endorphins that make us feel better. Crying is a way to care for our emotions and feelings and find our inner peace.

As we can release these tears that we have stored and do not let us be happy, we can open ourselves to not see the tears as vulnerable or weak or do not see the tears as something terrible.

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Whether you are a guy or a woman, you must remove the incorrect ideas or culture you grew up with. Tears are inadequate. It is true that when you start to control your feelings and let go of what you have been keeping within for a long time, you will feel different.

It is good to seek help from others. We can share with a friend or therapist to help us manage our emotions and release that pressure that sometimes gets stuck in our chests.

Find healthy ways to process your emotions, such as meditation, exercise, art, or journaling, to help you let go of what's inside.

We must understand that letting go of our emotions and knowing how to handle them will release the pain or weight that we carry inside. It even allows us to heal our past heritages. In turn, it will help us become more compassionate with ourselves because it will help us love ourselves and find that happiness in those tears we have been saving for a long time.

Created images canva.com

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